The Superpower Of Curiosity

The Superpower Of Curiosity

I say curiosity is a superpower because it is the prime motivation behind all existence. Our lives are ultimately an answer to the question, “I wonder what would happen if,” which some would say are “famous last words”. What would happen if I dumped these Mentos into...
When We Ask for Light

When We Ask for Light

We pray for light. We want to see what God sees. Or do we? When we pray the Examen, we ask God to shed light on the day and to reveal to us where he has been present, where we have fallen short, and where we can go to be his hands and feet. Joseph A. Tetlow, SJ,...
Using Our Gifts to Build the Kingdom Among Us

Using Our Gifts to Build the Kingdom Among Us

On the front porch, perched upon a worn wooden table and leaning against a bowl filled with water bottles, stood the sign: “Delivery Folks: Cold Water. Thank you!” Waiting there in the shade, I marveled at my friend’s kindness. “Kathy, you are so thoughtful!” I said,...
The Four Seasons Are A Mirror Of Our Life Cycle

The Four Seasons Are A Mirror Of Our Life Cycle

Spring, summer, autumn, and winter are the four seasons nature that the world experiences, and we, as humans, experience the same four seasons. Unfortunately, many people overlook the seasons that they experience at each stage of their lives until they discover they...
Understanding How Sound Healing Works

Understanding How Sound Healing Works

It has been said that music was never invented or found but is something that we all have inherently. As a result, it is not surprising that for ages, music has been employed to help heal a variety of illnesses. Music is utilized for a variety of purposes,...