Star Children And The Extraterrestrial Connection

Star Children And The Extraterrestrial Connection

Star Children – How do we recognize “The bringers of light?” There are new generations of children incarnating on our planet who are very different to previous generations. They have been given many names such as Indigos, Crystal Children, Children of Light...
Planetary Transition is the Biggest Event Ever

Planetary Transition is the Biggest Event Ever

The Anunnaki lowered the Earth’s frequency and its polarisation from positive to negative; designed for war and destruction. The more people are killed, the better the rest can be controlled and manipulated. The debt-based money system puts people in debt and makes...
M2-Class Solar Flare

M2-Class Solar Flare

On Wednesday, March 2nd, 2022, the Sun of our solar system unleashed a powerful “M2-Class” solar flare which blasted forth plasma particles into Earth/Gaia’s magnetosphere and caused strong activations within our planet’s core and on its outer surrounding energy...
All Are Being Challenged

All Are Being Challenged

We are in a state where we all are being challenged, in that we are ascending now extremely rapidly into the higher Dimensional state of the 5th to 7th, while the Old Earth and all upon us, keep yapping at our heels, desperately trying to hang onto us, or trying to...