The upcoming Full Moon and Equinox offer an opportunity to move on from the past. The incoming energies are helping us to transform old wounds into understanding, clarity, and wisdom so that we may shift our perspective and gain a new vision of the future.
As a result, anything that is not in alignment with our soul is being transformed, altered and or removed which will help us to deepen into our intuitive nature and integrate the shifts and changes we have experienced in the past few months.
A new awareness is arising from within that will greatly assist you in moving forward. It is important that you take time to assimilate and integrate all the major changes that have occurred.
Continue to focus on your healing by accepting and embracing where life has taken you.
Let go of attachments to old worries and past suffering and allow yourself to be released from the chaos and confusion which creates feelings of being unsupported and overwhelmed. As uncomfortable as this time may be it holds great purpose and will ultimately bring greater balance between your head and your heart.
**By Kate Spreckley