Om, mani, padme, hum; om, mani, padme, hum; hum, hum. Greetings to you!
One Who Serves here, and we are here to continue this show. And St. Germain has said, and as you’ve heard many times, this is all a part of the show. Even our part here is part of this, part of the Great Plan that we can be here and assist you, and continue to guide you in whatever way that you allow us to guide you. We cannot make you do anything, nor would we ever want to do that. We are just here to give nudges here and there, to continue to bring you along through this transition, and getting you ready. Preparing you, indeed, for the first wave of ascension as that process continues onward, forward here.
We are ready for your questions if you have them. There is no Shoshanna here this time. We are apologetic that she cannot be with us at this time, but that is okay. We will muddle on and look forward to the itme when we can be together again and continue to assist you as a force together to bring about these changes, and continue to help prepare you in ways that you are ready to be prepared.
Do you have questions for One Who Serves?
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: I was just wondering if Blossom Goodchild’s channeling form the Federation of Light about the next lockdown happening because of a fungus is true. And if it is, can you give any more details?
OWS: What we can tell you is that we can never tell you whether another one of a channel such as this one you speak of is bringing forth truth or not. That is not for us to decide. That is for you to discern. We can tell you, though, that this one, and many others, are bringing forth much information that can be very helpful for those that are ready to hear, those that have the ears to hear these messages that are coming forth. Just as those of you that have the ears to hear our messages as we bring these forth. \\
Whether there is going to be another lockdown as you are saying, or for whatever reason it might be, we cannot give you that directly. But know that everything is coming to a head pretty much to the precipice as was said earlier by one on your call. Just be patient, and know as St. Germain has said, and we have said many, many times, that everything is happening for a reason here, part of the greater plan. So just be ready for it, as everything continues to move forward within this plan here. Okay?
Guest: I guess. Can I ask one more quick question?
OWS: Yes.
Guest: It is correct that the United Nation’s troupes are masquerading as Canadian Police?
OWS: We are asking now what we can give on this. Hold please. We can tell you that everything that you are seeing is not as it seems to be, not certainly as you are hearing it. But you are also hearing it from many different sources, and many different conflicting ideas are coming to you about this. But yes indeed, those ones that are participating in this process now at this moment are not the original ones that would not have gone against their fellow countrymen here, as we find it. So they are being brought in from outside. So that is indeed true.
Guest: Thank you.
OWS: Yes. Would there be other questions here?
Guest: I have a question please.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: For well over a year, I have been saving bubble wrap and specialty boxes, and only recently fully realized what I was doing when I saw an overflowing suitcase full of packaging. I think at some level I knew I was saving for a future move, and now feel prepared to do just that. And for the same time period, I started dreaming about, and in meditation seeing a cottage I live in, with flowers and vegetables growing around the side, and a small patio with a tiny bit of lake shore and what I think are pine trees. It appears to be a community setting, as I found myself waving to others, and I do healing sessions in a little fabric gazebo. I could clearly see the outside, and a portion of the kitchen area for many months, but never beyond that. It was like a blank inside or maybe a veil. It’s only in the last few weeks in meditation that I have been given the full view of the inside now, and it is completely real to me. Yet what I cannot grasp is if it is in this timeline or even in another lifetime. Can you clarify that and tell me if and when I’m moving and where?
OWS: We cannot tell you directly when, or anything of this nature. But as you are having these visions and these expressions that are coming to you of a potential future, and it is potential, it is not written in stone, but you are creating it. And as you are creating it, you are indeed creating your future. So what you are indeed creating here appears to be something that is on higher vibrational frequency level in terms of in the newer expression, as Gaia has moved everything, everyone, to the higher vibration. In other words, after you have moved more fully into the fifth dimensional expression, you will have this. Now, that does not mean you cannot create that now and be there in your present vibrational experience, although you will have to raise your vibration from the third dimension, you see?
Guest: Yes. Thank you.
OWS: Yes. What is the saying you have, “Build it, and they will come.” Well, in this case, build it, and you will come. Okay?
Guest: Thank you so much.
OWS: Would there be other questions here? Any further questions?
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: Can you give us an idea of how much support, and what kind, is being sent galactically around the truckers in Ottawa, for example, where there is more confrontation?
OWS: In terms of assistance from the Galactics for there, we cannot say there is anything directly in that respect. It is more of a process of sending light, sending higher vibrational frequency to this planet, which is then indeed helping those who are searching, looking to create their freedom in this situation. So they are being helped, but you might say, helped through the back door here. Okay?
Guest: Okay, thanks.
OWS: Would there be any other further questions here?
Guest: I have a question.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: The Schumann Resonance about three days ago (I tend to really watch it closely when I see it abnormal, well it’s always abnormal) had slurring going on in the top part, but a few days ago there was a tube sticking out to the left, almost like a worm sticking out of one of the lines that came down. I thought, ‘Oh, my gosh!” and took a picture right away, because I thought this was awesome, this means something. They are communicating with us through this. And maybe there are many here on the Earth that can read into that. Do you have anything to say about that, or can you elaborate on that? Thank you.
OWS: All we can tell you is that the expression from the Earth vibrations that are occurring are going off the charts many times here. And that is because of the consciousness of man. As consciousness of man increases, so too does the consciousness or the vibration here on this planet. So you are indeed raising the vibration.
Every time that you do a meditation, whether individually or within a group, and of course mostly within a group because you are all coming together as one and bringing your vibration higher together as one, and then when you have those mass meditations throughout the planet that are called for at times, that is raising the vibration even more across the planet. So it is all about man’s consciousness raising the frequency here. And that, of course, is being shown within your Schumann Resonance here. And yes indeed what you are looking at is those spikes and those things which are happening which are indeed showing as proof that consciousness or frequency is rising here on this planet. Okay? Was this sufficient for you?
Guest: Sure. Thank you.
OWS: Yes. Very good. Any further questions before we release channel?
Guest: I have a question, please.
OWS: Yes?
Guest: I was wondering how is the ascension process going here, and how may I be of service?
OWS: May Dear Sister, everything is happening all across the planet. It matters not where you are, it is more important to how you are at the time, in terms of raising your personal vibration. And when you raise your personal vibration, you are raising the vibration around you as well. And everything goes into the collective consciousness, or the universal mind, everything. Every thought, every action, everything goes there. And it is picked yup by those across the planet that are ready to receive those thoughts, those energies, whatever it might be. This indeed is happening everywhere, no matter where you are. Your just simply being on this call now each Sunday as you come together and being a part of this, you are helping to raise the consciousness, the frequency vibration of humanity. That is all we can really say on this. You have much more impact than you may think that you have. Okay?
Guest: Thank you.
OWS: Yes. Would there be any other further questions? We do need to release channel here. Very good.
Then we simply say, the topic for today that was given is ‘letting go,’ and it is important for you to do exactly that, more and more and more. Go with the flow. We have said this many, many times. Let it go. Go with the flow. Be in the moment. Find the joy in the moment. All of these things are all about raising your consciousness up into the higher vibrational frequencies.
The more that you continue to do this consciously, the more you will find yourself out of the 3-D matrix and being in those higher frequencies, as Gaia herself has raised her vibration, and you are just simply joining her. Okay?
And when you join her, and when you raise your vibrations, you are also coming up to meet us as well. Us, being the One Who Serves, all of the Ascended Masters, the Galactics, all of us are waiting for you to raise your vibration enough to come and be with us. We cannot lower our vibration to come down and meet with you. So just know that as we continue to move forward through this transition.
Shanti. Peace be with you. Be the one.
Channeled by James McConnell