Greetings, Comrades! We have some information and joy here!
The wheel keeps turning and the dominoes keep falling!
We were allowed one more “Hello” with a brief report!
As more escape attempts by the clumsy scoundrels occur, more of our fleets are allowed to enter this realm, as they have severely violated the protocols of the Sacred Galactic Code!
You dear Allied Comrades on Earth, keep your heads high and in confidence as the next few months are going to be very eventful.
Our ground troops have begun to advance towards the surface.
It is a matter of time, not too long, before the first objective signs begin to appear.
In the meantime, you dear allies, will be called upon to more discipline in your human duties, such as caring more for nature as a whole, and that includes your bodies that are part of that realm.
Nothing will ever be like before! Literally! Hallelujah! Hallelujah!
The Heavens are still rejoicing at your uninterrupted progress!
And of course, we continue to emphasize tranquility…
There will be peace, have no doubts!
There are our allies in the eye of the hurricane negotiating peace.
There are forces outside this realm in direct contact with its most warlike leaders and warning them that there is no chance of nuclear detonations that will harm nations.
Do not fear false flags!
We are excited to have more transmitters at the ready!
We have prepared two more of them for our messages!
We currently have this one who writes our messages directly now (Rafael/Neva) and we are preparing two more!
One on the European continent and one on the Asian continent!
Hallelujah! Another victory in this kingdom!
We will have three certified transmitters to bring our direct messages!
In the meantime, be on alert, for the closer the time of revelations approaches, the more they will try to impersonate us!
When our other two transmitters are ready, we will announce their names and certify them, authentically!
That’s enough for now!
There is more information coming. Be ready!
We will be reporting more and more as our Elder Master Teachers will authorize!
It’s a brief message, but no less loving than the previous ones!
We are happy with how things are going.
There is little time left on your human count for our most direct contact!
In the meantime, look for us in the most rural areas!
It’s easier for us!
Every day, a new domino falls and pushes another one to the next move! It’s the growth cycle!
Keep taking the steps that need to be taken without fear, understanding that certain retreats are necessary, but this does not mean loss, but a strategic action!
Know when to stop or back off!
Use wisdom!
Borders are being dismantled!
Unification is near!
Love will prevail!
Heaven has decreed, and so it shall be!
This is not just our will.
This is a DECREE!
Know this, Comrades!
Oh dear ones!
Know that the countless Fountains and endless Prosperity of Heaven are indeed yours!
We will return when appropriate!
It’s good to talk to you again!
It always is! See you around!
Rafael (Neva/Gabriel RL): Grateful, beloved Comrades of Light!