According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, there are sixteen distinct types of personalities.
Developed in the early twentieth century, the MBTI has made its impact on the world, with huge amounts of people taking the test and identifying with its results.
In this article, we will be looking at two similar personality types and understanding their key differences: ENFP vs ENTP.
ENFP Definition
I thought it would be helpful to define the two personality types before we get into their differences.
The ENFP personality type is defined as both a campaigner and a champion.
They are often charismatic and outgoing, with great social skills.
They stand out from the crowd, speaking their mind and caring deeply for their loved ones.
Furthermore, they have the ability to think deeply, with a great passion for knowledge and understanding.
The ENFP personality type wants to find joy in life, and help others find joy, too.
They connect well with the people around them on a deep and emotional level.
ENTP Definition
Similarly, someone with an ENTP personality type is outgoing and friendly.
They know how to communicate clearly and passionately with those around them.
They are pretty extroverted, with a great way with words.
They are regularly seen as the debater, valuing knowledge and understanding.
Furthermore, they will typically play devil’s advocate in situations, knowing how to argue their point.
The ENTP personality type knows how to think and argue logically.
ENFP vs ENTP: The Key Differences
So now we know the general definitions of both the ENFP and the ENTP personality types, we can look at the key differences.
Let’s dive deeper into ENFP vs ENTP and discover how they both act in different situations!
ENFP vs ENTP: Strengths & Weaknesses
The ENTP personality type is typically more introverted than the ENFP.
Of course, they are pretty social, but they know when to take time out.
This is a big strength of this personality type, as being alone is really important from time to time!
However, the logical thinking of the ENTP personality type means that they can often come off as insensitive and brash when talking to others.
ENFPs tend to be more understanding of the feelings and thoughts of those around them, and this is a great strength to their personality!
ENFPs are people-pleasers, but this isn’t always a good thing.
They can’t just shrug criticism off like ENTPs and this can cause them issues both at work and with their interpersonal relationships.
ENTPs actually sometimes welcome criticism, as they enjoy hearing other people’s points of view.
The ENTP’s ability to be pragmatic is a big strength for them.
They are able to approach problems in their life in a thoughtful and logical way, removing emotions from the situation.
In contrast, ENFPs are pretty emotional and use their feelings and intuition to guide them.
This is both a blessing and a curse.
It does mean that they are more sensitive and understanding of others, but it can also mean that they are occasionally blinded to the facts and therefore cannot see the logical solution to their situation.
ENTPs are much more self-sufficient than ENFPs, flourishing on their own terms and not relying on the approval of those around them.
However, this might mean that they miss out on deep, personal relationships that are important to fulfilling both their intellectual and emotional needs.
ENTPs are charming people and know what to say to get what they want and get their point across.
This can sometimes appear thoughtless and selfish, with some people seeing right through their charm!
Those with an ENFP personality type, however, are pretty transparent in their behavior with those around them.
They are kind and caring, and will regularly go above and beyond for friends, family members, and strangers.
ENFP vs ENTP: Romantic Relationships
Let’s take a look at ENFP vs ENTP when it comes to romantic relationships.
Sure, both these personality types are pretty social, but what differences are there when it comes to love?
A big difference between ENFP and ENTP personality types is sensitivity and the ability to see things from other people’s perspectives.
Of course, both personality types are charismatic and good at talking, but ENFP people are much more sensitive to the emotions of others.
This means, when it comes to relationships, an ENTP will sometimes struggle with connecting on a deeper level with their partner. It is not because of any malicious intent.
Rather, they sometimes lack the skills to truly empathize.
Because they tend to see things logically, the ENTP will often not understand why their partner is annoyed with them.
Despite being extroverted, the ENFP is an extremely sensitive and emotional person.
They are open and honest with their feelings and crave deep emotional connections with their romantic partners.
However, this can cause issues when resolving conflict in romantic relationships.
Instead of looking at things pragmatically and working together to fix issues, the ENFP will often overreact and be overemotional.
They will sometimes catastrophize, believing that any problem, no matter how small, is the end of their romantic relationship.
In contrast, despite sometimes seeming cold in a romantic relationship, those with an ENTP personality type will regularly figure out ways of solving any issues within their partnership.
When things go wrong and arguments happen, the ENTP will calmly work out the best thing to do in the situation.
ENTPs also know the importance of time apart.
They do not rely on their romantic partner but know that they have their own lives to lead, too.
In order to have a healthy and successful relationship, time apart is just as important as time together.
This can be something that the ENFP personality type has an issue with.
Because they are pretty sensitive and take things to heart, they might find it hard when their romantic partner wants to spend time alone.
ENFP vs ENTP: Friendships
Those with the ENFP personality type are often better at empathy than ENTPs.
They are great at putting themselves in someone else’s shoes and understanding their point of view.
When it comes to friendships, the ENFP is pretty fun to hang around with!
They know the importance of having a good time and enjoying life.
In contrast, the ENTP is much less emotionally in tune with those in their life.
Because they tend to think pragmatically and logically, they will often disregard someone’s emotional reaction to a situation.
This means that they can be a bit annoying sometimes if you are friends with them!
However, they are great at having debates and intellectual conversations.
They make for fascinating people, and those friends with them gain a lot out of the relationship.
The emotional side of the ENFP personality type can sometimes be their downfall.
They will take criticism and arguments to heart, and get pretty upset when someone disagrees with them.
Because they seek approval and love from their friends, they will typically find it hard when this affection is not reciprocated.
ENTPs are less sensitive than those with an ENFP personality type, and this means they handle disagreements with friends much better.
They know that not everyone agrees with them, and is happy to hear other people’s thoughts and opinions.
Because they speak their minds, they are happy with those around them to do so too.
ENFP vs ENTP: Parenthood
Both ENFPs and ENTPs are amazing at being parents and bring so much joy and happiness to their children’s lives.
They take the role of parents seriously and wish to influence their children to make the right choices in life.
ENFPs wish their children to express their personalities in their own ways.
They raise children who are creative and free thinkers, allowing them to flourish on their own terms.
ENFPs have a lot of love to give to their children, but sometimes struggle to balance this with discipline.
This means that they sometimes will have clashes with other parents or teachers about their parenting methods.
On the other hand, the logical side to the ENTPs means that they are better at disciplining their children.
They wish to raise their children to think for themselves and see things logically and not emotionally.
This means they have no problem telling their children off and letting them know if they are behaving badly.
ENFP vs ENTP: Career Paths
Because of their differences, ENFPs and ENTPs both flourish in contrasting career paths.
Of course, they are both outgoing and love to be around people. However, certain qualities of both personality types affect the career paths that they chose.
Those with an ENFP personality type are often motivated to make the lives of those around them better.
Because of this, they are often drawn to humanitarian careers or jobs in care work.
ENFPs like a challenge and like to solve problems from an emotional perspective.
They enjoy seeing others flourish and helping people on their true paths in life.
They don’t like careers that are the same day in and day out and find it uncomfortable when their creativity is stifled.
Careers that are great for those with an ENFP personality type include:
- Teacher
- Teaching Assistant
- Care Worker
- Counselor
- Therapist
- Psychologist
- Midwife
- Flight Assistant
- Reporter
- Journalist
- Charity Worker
- Fundraiser
Contrastingly, people with an ENTP personality type will struggle in an occupation that is based on emotions and care.
This is not because ENTPs lack care, it is just because they are much more pragmatic and ruthless in their approach to work. For ENTPs, their career goals are pretty important to them, and will often value their own achievements over the achievements and goals of those around them.
Furthermore, despite being outgoing, an ENTP will typically excel in a job that is a little less social.
They like to figure out solutions to problems and find it boring to do the same thing every day.
They crave intellectual stimulation and wish to have a career that means they are constantly on an upward journey.
ENTPs want to be successful and want to be an expert in their field. They also value freedom when it comes to work.
Because of their problem-solving abilities, those with an ENTP personality type will be successful in a range of career paths.
Careers that are great for ENTPs include:
- Researcher
- Scientist
- Mechanical Engineer
- Financial Analyst
- Architect
- Computer Scientist
- Graphic Designer
- Lawyer
- Sales Representative
- Journalist
- Public Relations Specialist
ENFP vs ENTP: Workplace Habits
So now we know what career paths are great for both ENFP and ENTP personality types, we can look at their workplace habits and how they both approach their career.
ENTPs are pretty driven when it comes to work.
They are great at finding new and interesting solutions to difficulties that others might not have even considered.
They want to succeed in their careers, and will sometimes struggle when it comes to listening to others in the workplace.
Because they crave success and can be argumentative, people with an ENTP personality type can struggle with keeping the peace at work.
They can fall out with their colleagues over a difference of opinion, as they think their way of fixing the problem is the best.
They also have a natural disdain for authority, so will not do well when those in their workplace try to tell them what to do.
In contrast, ENFPs work much better with their coworkers than ENTPs. They value their relationships with their coworkers and love to work as part of a team.
They believe that working together will solve any issues, unlike ENTPs who prefer to work alone to forward their own career.
Sometimes, work can be forgotten with ENFPs if they are feeling particularly social.
This is especially the case if they work in an office-type place, where talking with coworkers is easy!
They may end up falling behind with work, putting socialization before career goals.
Unlike ENTPs, ENFPs will not do well in a solitary career.
They will find it hard to motivate themselves to work because their personality means they crave approval and affection from others.
However, ENTPs can do really well in a solitary career such as writing or coding.
Despite them being naturally outgoing, their need to succeed in their own field and work their own way means that a self-employed or solitary career path suits them really well.
ENFP vs ENTP Summary
Despite both being pretty outgoing, ENFPs and ENTPs actually behave pretty differently!
One is more emotive, whereas the other is much more logical.
They both value different things in their careers and bring their own strengths to friendships and romantic relationships.
When it comes to ENFP vs ENTP, there is no real winner.
Both have amazing character traits and enrich the lives of those around them! Both ENFPs and ENTPs have things that they need to work on in life, but at their core, they are successful and considerate people.
Thank you, I hope you enjoyed learning about the differences between the ENFP and ENTP personality types.
If you want to learn more about other personality types check out our other articles here. Enjoy ❤️.