Dear brothers of this beautiful blue planet! I am Hilarion!

Being here today is a reason for great joy and delivery of a great amount of Light to everyone on this planet. My Green Ray surrounds your planet. If you could visualize it, you would see that it is as if your planet is inside a glass of green water, dipped into it. All the energy of healing and balance is working at every point on this planet, at any given moment.

Don’t be surprised because you don’t seem to see anything being healed. We hope that you begin to understand that everything is being done for those who are actually ready to live, are ready to go through this whole process. Everyone on this planet is receiving everything, there is no separation, there is no discrimination of anyone. It doesn’t matter if the heart is of Light, if the heart is of Darkness; everybody is receiving. The ability to receive and to perceive depends on the vibration of each one of you.

So everything is being done and everything is happening; but only a few have the ability to feel and to believe what is being said. The whole physical layer of this planet is being cleansed, not an easy cleanup, not an easy healing. It is a long time of destruction and storage of negative energy in the ground and underground of this planet. Even its atmosphere is not clean. We have strength, so much so, that the cleansing is being done. If the power of our rays were not enough for this cleansing, it would take you millennia to clean your planet. But this will not happen.

And why does this cleansing and healing need to be done? We have told you, you need to let go of everything that holds you back, everything that is an obstacle in the way. It is as if you carry many weights around your neck, and as they are released, you begin to walk faster. Likewise Gaia. Gaia needs to get rid of these negative energies that are in your body, in every, shall we say, inanimate part of the planet. Your oceans, your land… I’m not talking here about animals or living beings, I’m talking about the physical part of the planet. This is a great weight for Gaia, and she needs to heal her entire interior so that she can ascend without pulling or carrying all of this.

So these healing energies, these Green Ray healing dispensations, are cleansing and transmuting every point on the planet. Every day more inwardly, so that Gaia can go free of all of this. This Green Ray energy reaches you, too. But it is up to each one of you to take advantage of it, to accept it, to let it act. Acting on Gaia’s surface and inside is simple and easy, because Gaia needs it and we are doing everything for her. Now you have free will, nothing can be imposed on you. So the energy arrives, the Green Light of healing arrives in each one of you. Now it is up to you to accept it, to give this Light permission to work.

That is why you continue, even with all this dispensation exactly as you have always been, the same physical problems you have always had. Some believe, some have accepted, and are seeing improvement. And why is the improvement not 100%? Because you keep feeding the diseases. Every disease that appears in your body has a source, which probably comes from the imbalance in your own soul. So healing only the physical is often no use, because the source is still there, emanating the same problem, and it will return, or remain, never to be cured.

So what do you need to do? Heal the soul, so that by healing the soul the consequences will be healed in the physical body. So it is up to each one of you to allow this healing, and to understand that in making this decision, much may come to light that you will not like. Each healing of the soul requires an action, which can be: a simple forgiveness, it can be a simple request for forgiveness, or it can be an action in your world, and these actions are sometimes complex and painful, and you refuse to do them. So at this point your soul will never be healed and the source of the problem will continue to emanate the energy that will keep the disease in your body.

So soul healing, you need to know and understand and agree to change, you need to understand that something needs to be done, you need to understand that you need to change in your habits, in your way of living, in your relationships, in everything; sometimes even in your work.

We know that none of these points are easy to deal with, we are just saying that only with your change will the problems be gone, definitely. As long as you don’t change, you think you can do a little here, a little there, the problem continues, it won’t end. You have to effectively find the balance point of that act of your soul, so that it detaches from that problem and no longer generates the disease.

Maintaining balance, on a daily basis, is also indispensable. Speaking only vibrant things, thinking positive things, acting in a loving way, create a big barrier in your bodies against the diseases that are there. If you can keep yourselves like this 24 hours a day, there is no disease, no external disease will attack you. And when it happens that a disease attacks you, you ask yourself, “But I did everything right, I vibrated high, why am I going through this?” And I can tell you: If you had effectively done everything right, you wouldn’t be sick, you wouldn’t have allowed the disease to enter.

So stop judging yourself, thinking that you did everything you could and still got sick, accept that you didn’t do what you should have done. That’s the big point. You didn’t do what you were supposed to do, some point got off track, creating the imbalance, and allowing the disease in. Don’t try to think that you are perfect, that you acted 100% correctly, and yet you got sick; there is no such thing. If you got sick, it is because you left some point open.

And I can tell you, there is ego in the middle; where you think you are infallible, powerful, extremely balanced, and you say in no uncertain terms: “It will never happen to me. So this is all ego, and ego opens the door to disease. But this is also not the time for self-judgment. Whoever is sick or has been sick, just accept it – you have left a point open and this point has to be healed, this point has to be looked at head on, this point has to be understood. Because if it is not, you are susceptible to illness again. Self-judgment is not appropriate at this moment, I repeat. It’s about understanding, accepting the error, and then thinking and acting differently. Only then will you be totally balanced and diseases will not appear.

Balance is the key. The balance, mind, body and spirit is the great key to protection. Because if your body is in balance, nothing that your soul may have brought will get to you, much less what comes from outside. So this is the great pillar that you need to keep: body, mind, and spirit in balance. And what is this balance? A good diet, lots of water, loving actions, doing your tasks with love, overcoming obstacles with love, accepting the other as he/she is, with lots of love. Under no circumstances criticize anyone, judge anyone, force anyone into anything.

The path is up to each one. So each one at this moment is following the result of his or her soul walks.

So look inside yourself, forget the other, take care only of those who still need you, because they don’t know how to live alone yet, in this case here the children. Accept that your children have grown up and they too now have their own walk, don’t try to force them into anything, they can already make the decisions by themselves. Advice is good, only advice, not impositions. So try to live within balance, make this pillar. Be in total balance on each end and you will see how the diseases, as if by magic, will move away from you.

There is not a phrase, there is not a mantra, that you can just say and heal yourself of everything and allow yourself to receive this energy. You just have to want it, you just have to accept what the universe is sending to you. And how do you accept this energy? By staying in balance; because those who are in balance, have consciousness, are doing their best to keep their pillars at the same level. And this healing Light of the Green Ray will act instantaneously. So there is nothing to ask, there is what to do to actually receive this healing energy.

**Channel: Vania Rodriguez

**Translation to English by
