Health Minister Adrian Dix made the announcement last Tuesday, saying thousands of surgeries have been postponed as a result of placing so many workers on leave.

“I think it’s fair to say that in some areas, for example, diagnostic imaging, our labs in different parts of the province, there’ll be some impact,” Dix said.

Dix also acknowledged that placing so many workers on leave at once has caused surgery delays and reduced hours at some clinics and hospitals.

“We’ll either have to initially reduce hours in order to address that or provide other staff in the weeks to come,” Dix said.

The British Columbia Nurses Union (BCNU) had earlier warned the government it would have a crisis on its hands if it let go of so many staff at once.

In September, BCNU warned that government COVID jab mandates for healthcare workers will “force members” to leave and further exacerbate already existing staff shortages in the province.

Dix said the un-jabbed workers have until November 15 to get at a first dose of the jab or they will be permanently fired.

According to the government, there are around 126,000 public health workers in the province.

The staff firings come as a result of a jab mandate by British Columbia Provincial Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry and Dix, who said all healthcare workers had to have COVID jabs by October 26.

Canadian Frontline Nurses is a group formed to protest COVID lockdowns and jab mandates and has many  members from British Columbia, who have been part of many protests.

Recently, Dr. Patty Daly, chief medical officer of health for Vancouver Coastal Health, was caught admitting that vaccine passports are but an incentive to obtain higher “vaccine rates.”

Dr. Daniel Nagase was recently blacklisted by Alberta Health Services (AHS) for treating his COVID patients with ivermectin while working at a rural hospital.

Nagase then called out potential future cancer cases in kids who might now or in the future be jabbed.

“Kids get all sorts of viruses, I know what to do, in fact, most parents know what to do,” Nagase said at a recent rally in Edmonton.

“It takes 20 years to find out whether some new injection causes cancer or not. I’m just an emergency doctor, I know what to do about a virus, I don’t know what to do about cancer.”

Former British Columbia Premier Bill Vander Zalm recently called out draconian COVID rules.

Vander Zalm warned that the “end game” from the COVID virus and jab mandates seems to be a “Great Reset” that will lead to a type of global communistic order.

The COVID jab trials have never produced evidence that vaccines stop infection or transmission. They do not even claim to reduce hospitalization, but the measurement of success is in preventing severe symptoms of COVID-19.

Dr. Peter McCullough said that those who develop COVID have “complete and durable immunity. And (that’s) a very important principle: complete and durable. You can’t beat natural immunity.”

Other Canadian provinces have fired or are threatening to fire un-jabbed healthcare workers if they don’t soon get jabbed.

Alberta Healthcare Services (AHS) extended to November 30 a deadline for a mandate that all its workers be fully vaccinated with COVID jabs.  This mandate, once it takes effect, will impact thousands of nurses and other healthcare workers.

Alberta physician Dr. Chris Gordillo recently spoke out against the ill effects he has witnessed from the injections.

“I’ve seen strokes, I’ve seen Bell’s palsy, I’ve seen a heart attack, blood clots, I’ve seen breathing disorders where people just cannot breathe after they’ve had these vaccines,” Gordillo said at a recent rally in Edmonton.

Canada’s federal government signed with Pfizer for 2.9 million doses of the COVID shot for kids age 5 to 11.

Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau recently said the jabs will be made available once Health Canada approves them.

The COVID-19 injections approved for emergency use in Canada, including the Pfizer jab for ages 12 and up, all have connections to cells derived from aborted babies.

All four have also been associated with severe side effects such as blood clots, rashes, miscarriages, and even heart attacks in young, healthy men.

All of the COVID jabs are still experimental, with clinical trials not being completed until 2023.

Also, there have been reports of thousands of people who have developed tumors after getting their COVID shots.

**By Anthony Murdoch
