Since I started writing about the Ascension Process online in 2003 at certain forums, then only at my own sites TRANSITIONS (2007) and HighHeartLife (2013), I’ve had numerous individuals email me shockingly hateful, vicious, cruel ranting email letters intended to cause me as much pain as that person could type out. And honestly, many of those emails did hurt me because no one wants to be attacked and brutalized, especially by individuals who’ve completely misunderstood something I’ve written at my websites. Other emails intended to hurt me, such as the two latest quoted here, are sad and pathetic because of how epically incorrect both are about me personally and about what I’ve written.

The Separation of Worlds is the ultimate UNSUBSCRIBE button.

How do I unsubscribe?

There is no longer an option on your posts.

Hard to believe you are so uninformed when a ten year old could research the VAERS website and see the hundreds and thousands of vaccine deaths and horrible reactions.  Heard of Event 201?  Heard anything at all in the last twenty months that didn’t come from government controlled media sources?
That patriarchal system you throw fits about is playing all their cards right now and many of us who research INDEPENDANTLY knew it was coming.
I’d wager you have already had years worth of mind numbing shots!
So disappointed that you are either a coward or a fool.
Thanks for the same old same old since WW3 started. Denial is for babies, Denise.
Time to grow up and accept that those patriarchs are screwing you but good and you continually make excuses for ssid TD members.
I see why you have shut down comments.  You’re on the wrong side of history.
I suppose now you know what you would have been doing in Germany back in day, huh?”
GL — October 2021

GL felt she/he needed to attack me because he/she believes I’m in favor of the pandemic vaccinations when I’ve publicly stated the opposite. That however doesn’t matter to individuals like GL. My truth, my life and lifelong personal experiences and actions don’t matter in the least to people like GL.

The TRUTH is my father, born June 1921, died September 2021 at age 100, was a hardcore Theosophist since he was a teen. His mother was a Theosophist and Astrologer, who ordered her astrology books from England in the late 1800s and early 1900s (some of which I have) because books like that didn’t exist in the USA back then. My father was a young man when his mother died.

The higher Light, Angelic, and Star lineages came through her, as they did through my mother’s mother. These generational one or both sides of the parents, grandparents and great grandparents of most Volunteer ascension incarnations were needed so each generation did their best to embody a little more Light to hopefully make it slightly easier for the incarnating First Everythinger Volunteers to do what they volunteered to incarnate and do in our lifetimes during this physical level Ascension Process. For most current Volunteers these multi-generational parent or parents in some cases-to-child increasing energy stairsteps were necessary. Along with that were also certain ET interactions with each generation of these very early Lightbearers trying to help the future Volunteers here now from their personal family lines.

Many of the ‘Baby Boomers’ born right after WW2 (1939–1945) ended were needed to immediately incarnate en mass. Absolutely not every Baby Boomer is an ascension Volunteer but there are a good number of us that have been since birth. The Baby Boomers were waiting in the higher dimensional wings because many of us were the first group of incarnate ascension Volunteers. Once humans used atomic bombs on humans in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in August 1945, that action automatically activated the massive and instantaneous incarnation of numerous ascension Volunteers. These two things are directly related.

Once the government/military dropped atomic bombs on humans, to prevent any further use of atomic bombs anywhere on Earth, many of the higher dimensional beings initiated the planetary-wide incarnational insertion of numerous ascension Volunteers physically born immediately after WW2 ended. And you thought the Baby Boomers were just Hippies, druggies, sexual deviants, dirty, peace n’ love lazy fucks. Some Boomers have been that and worse however many of us have never been pulled off or killed off our ascension Volunteer missions no matter what “they” threw at us including wars seen and unseen.

The Theosophical Society was founded in New York City in 1875. This however isn’t about Theosophy, although I attended nearly every Sunday from age 5 (1956) through age 18 (1969) at Theosophy Hall (built in 1927) in Los Angeles, CA. My father insisted I know the basics of Theosophical beliefs from early childhood so I attended almost every Sunday meeting at Theosophy Hall from age 5 (1956). This was another pre-incarnational Soul Contract designed to protect me, a Volunteer incarnating during this current universal Ascension Process, from common religions and religions beliefs heavily distorted and used by the negatives. Once I turned 18 I needed far more than what Theosophy could provide me personally, as an incarnate Volunteer First Everythinger, so I went my own spiritual way from age 18 (1969-1970).

Because of my dad’s lifelong Theosophical beliefs, he wholeheartedly agreed with it that vaccinations should not to be put into human bodies for physical and etheric reasons. Because he strongly believed this about vaccinations since around 1939, he of course raised me and my younger sister under those Theosophical beliefs.

The last vaccine I took was for polio in 1965 when I was 14. Before this 1965 polio sugar cube vaccine, the only others I took were the ones given to every baby in the USA. I’ve had no vaccinations after the 1965 polio sugar cube one at age 14. Nor have I ever had any flu shot or shots. I’ve never had any shingles shot(s). I’ve never had any vitamin shot(s) or any other unknown substance injected into my body. From 1965 through 2021 is 56 years — 56 years that I have not allowed anything to be injected into my physical body, and very little before those 56 years.

It became clear to me when “they” started pushing free flu shots and shingles shots on TV constantly in the 2000’s that things had been seriously upped by “them”. To me the increased push for everyone to get annual flu shot(s), and when that didn’t bring in the big numbers “they” were after, “they” started pushing people to get shingles shot(s), was a sign of possible things to come.

I received this email from this month.

“Hey  dearest  Denise:

I  just  read  your  article  and  have  to  tell  you  this:
There  is  ALWAYS  a  higher  perspective/truth  to  what  we  see,  at  least  until  the  changeover  is  FULLY  HERE.
“What I’m talking about is that you and some more people in the ascension community and related others are soon going to experience suddenly knowing that many ascension teachers/writers/lecturers, plus many channelers, are and always have been frauds, cons, and highly polished and professional looking and sounding bullshit artists.”
When  I  read  this  I  WAS  SIMULTANEOUSLY  SHOWN   that  those  you  call  frauds,  cons  etc.  are  where  they´re  at  FOR  MORE  THAN  ONE  GOOD/NEEDED  REASON.  What  this  means  is:  IF  you  talk  like  this  “YOU  ARE  LYING”  even  though  you´re  right  FROM  your  one  step  lower  perspective.
THE  HIGHEST  PERSPECTIVE  which  is  the  place  where  I  can  see  you  DEMANDS  for  utter  accurateness.  UP  HERE  it´s  a  matter  of  HOW  you  speak.  The  WHO  YOU  ARE  demands  for  “ROYALTY”  as  in  “OLD  FASHIONED  FEMALE  ATTITUDES”.  Up  there  you  find  ELEGANCE  and  SMARTNESS  and  only  those  women  who  have  integrated  their  maskuline  parts  will  ever  get  there.  THE  PURITY  that  place  desires  comes  from  DETACHING  from  the  maskuline  again.  “THE  WOMAN”  as  planned  by  The  Creator,  was  never  done/finished  yet.
I´m  giving  you  this  FOR  “MY  NEXT  STEP”/because  we  are  all  interconnected.  I´ll  happily  give  you  more  if  you´re  interested,  but  most  ppl  aren´t,  that´s  why  I  kept  it  so  short.  It  all  makes  perfect  sense.
I  bow  to  you&the  road  you´ve  cleared.”
K — October 2021
I’ve got nothing I want to say at the moment. I’ll be back when I do.
**By Denise Le Fay