“You are your own greatest creation. Really take that in for a moment. Look who you have become. Look what you have created. Really for a moment come into the realization of who you are and how far you’ve come and who you have created yourself to be. And it’s not about what you haven’t created yet. It’s not about what you haven’t done yet. It’s not about what hasn’t been healed or fixed yet. It’s about you embracing in this moment that you are your own greatest creation.”

We are so pleased and delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you on this fine and glorious day indeed. And we tell you that while our words to you are important, this is a vibrational experience of remembering the truth within you, the power within you, the love within you.

And we remind you you are everything you wish to be. The power that creates worlds is within you, and the Source energy of all of creation flows through you in every moment. You are the power. You are Creator within your own creation. And in this time you’re going to realize that beauty and love and peace and joy and harmony and wellbeing and freedom has always been available to you. It is of your choosing as you elevate your consciousness and your vibration into the truth of who you are, into the knowing of the power and the love and the wisdom within you.

You are in a very powerful time within your human experience. As we have said, this is the greatest transformation of consciousness that has ever occurred in any lifetime, and you are living it to the fullest. You are living in a time of incredible innovation and advancement and realization where many will come into levels of consciousness never explored before within physical form. And it’s so exciting. We could not be more excited for where you are and how far you have come and all that you have realized on these journeys through different levels of consciousness.

There’s very little left for you to do, sort of say. In fact, as we remind you, in the doing, doing, doing there is always more to be done. From a state of being, really being all that you are, really being who you truly are, all things are done through you. And when you go beyond believing that and you go beyond trusting that there is infinite intelligence here and you really come in to the absolute knowing of who you really are and the power within you and the creator you are within your own creation and how divinely orchestrated all things are for you and how infinite intelligence is always flowing to you, and when you know the Source energy that is here for you, you will come into a realization even beyond what you have felt yet so far where you will in your absolute knowing fully open up to Source energy and experience manifestations and creations in new levels of consciousness that are so far beyond what hopes and dreams and wishes you once had.

You are here in physical form to experience Source energy in the physical. You are here for the experience of manifestation and creation in physical form, and you are your own greatest creation. Have you ever thought about that? You are your own greatest creation.

You focus so much on your external manifestations, and we understand why you do. We understand that it’s enjoyable to you to manifest things that are fun, to manifest experiences, to manifest relationships, to manifest opportunities to live in particular places, and all the wonderful things that you manifest externally, although all is part of your reality and your experience as Creator within your own creation.

You are your own greatest creation. Really take that in for a moment. Look who you have become. Look what you have created. Really for a moment come into the realization of who you are and how far you’ve come and who you have created yourself to be. And it’s not about what you haven’t created yet. It’s not about what you haven’t done yet. It’s not about what hasn’t been healed or fixed yet. It’s about you embracing in this moment that you are your own greatest creation. 

Take a deep breath. Allow yourself in this moment to come fully into your power. Breathe in your power into all of your being. Breathe in the love that you are. Breathe in all that you are. Go within you. Find the still, quiet place of infinite power within you. Feel it. Feel deeply into that place. And as you feel into that place begin to feel that infinite power within you expanding. Feel it expanding and getting even brighter. Feel it getting brighter as you go deeper and deeper. And feel the infinite power within you beginning to shine now like the brightest light you’ve ever seen within you. Feel it shining up to the top of your head and down to the bottom of your feet and out your fingertips. Feel the infinite power of the bright beautiful light within you shining so deeply, so brightly, so boldly in every cell of your body. Shine your bright beautiful light through every cell of your body, activating every cell, activating every molecule in your body, activating every part of you.

And now expand the bright beautiful light that is you one foot around you in every direction—above you, below you, beside you, in front of you, behind you. Focus the infinite power within you into this bright beautiful light that is you, focusing through you one foot around you in every direction. And now fill this room with the bright beautiful light that is you. Focus this infinite power that is you and fill this room with the bright beautiful light of you.

And now expand that bright beautiful light to fill up your whole home with the bright beautiful light that you are. And now expand that light around your home, up, up, up towards the clouds above the trees, up to the birds. Focus the bright beautiful light that you are up above you. And now focus the bright beautiful light that you are down, down, down into the Earth beneath you, into the roots of the trees beneath you, down into the center of the Earth. And expanding up higher again, above the clouds, up towards the moon and up towards the sun and up towards the sky. Higher, higher towards the stars above you as far as you can see throughout all of the universe. Reaching up, reaching up, shining the infinite power of the bright beautiful light that you are.

Now deeper, deeper, deeper into the Earth beneath you. And now expand from you in every direction—to the right, to the left, in front of you, behind you—expand this bright beautiful light that you are all around this planet, all around this beautiful Earth. Shine the infinite power of the bright beautiful light all around you in every direction until there’s nowhere that you are not in all of the universe. The power of infinite power within you, the power. You are the infinite power, the power. You are the infinite power, the power. You are the infinite power.

And let this bright beautiful light that you shine from within you to every corner of this universe and beyond. Focus it until there is nothing but light. And you are here within the center of your universe, the light that you are, the power that you are. Oh, it’s time to shine. It is time to shine and realize that you are your greatest creation. Expanding this bright beautiful light that you are, expanding your infinite power. Coming fully into this moment, knowing that you are the most beautiful creation. You are the most important creation. You are your greatest creation. It is you.

And as you stand in this moment, shining the bright beautiful light that you are, allowing your infinite power to radiate from you, fully allowing the Source energy that flows through you, fully allowing the Source energy that is you, fully allowing the Source energy that is all here for you.

Focus this bright beautiful light that you are into everything, into the ground beneath you, into the Earth beneath you. Focus this bright beautiful light that you are into the grass and into the trees and into the birds and into the bees. Focus this bright beautiful light that you are into the animals, into the trees and the flowers and the mountains and the rivers and the streams and the oceans. Focus this bright beautiful light that you are into the air that you breathe. Focus this bright beautiful light into every human heart. Focus this bright beautiful light that you are into every human heart. Focus this bright beautiful light that you are into oneness with everything. Focus this bright beautiful light until you feel yourself into the Isness of All That Is and Will Ever Be.

Feel the infinite power that you are and infuse it into bright beautiful light. And as you radiate it from you and feel your way into oneness with everything, you are the Isness of All That Is and Will Ever Be. It is all here. It is all Source. It is all you. You are your greatest creation. You are your greatest creation. You are your greatest creation. And so it is.

Now go beyond. Go so deeply into this moment that you access every dimension of consciousness, that you feel into everything that is here until you can feel yourself into everything, every dimension, every level, every level of creation within every level of consciousness. Go beyond. Go beyond, and bring all that you are and all of creation and all of the power of the Source energy within you into this moment and go deeper. 

Go beyond. Go into the realization of all that you are beyond what you have believed yourself to be. Go beyond. Go beyond what you have believed yourself to be. Come into the awareness of you as Creator. Feel yourself moving into the I Am Creator frequency. I Am Creator frequency.

Feel yourself as Creator of everything. Feel yourself as Creator everywhere. Feel yourself as Creator within all eternity. Go beyond. Go beyond. Go beyond to the source of the light. Go beyond. Go beyond the light. Go to the source of the light. Go beyond into all of creation and feel it within you. Go beyond. Go as far as you can feel. Expand into it all. And as you do, you realize you are your greatest creation in all of the universe. You are your greatest creation in all of the universe. You are your own greatest creation. And so it is.

Now come back into your body and take a deep breath and feel your body. Feel the light that is still within you. Feel the energy that still flows through you. Take a moment and really, really feel for the truth of this. You are your own greatest creation. You are magnificent. You are radiant. You are brilliant. You are divine. You are divine. 

Take a deep breath.

As we have said, you are in a spectacular time on your planet and in your own experience of consciousness and creation. You are coming into an experience within your body where you are allowing light and frequency and vibration in ways you never have before. You have expanded your consciousness and your awareness to begin to perceive beyond limitation in ways you never have before, and you are coming into A GRANDER PERSPECTIVE of who you are and what is possible for you. And all of this resulting in greater peace, greater joy, greater harmony in your life, greater abundance, greater wellbeing, and you’re going to see this move into a form of manifestation in your life, if you will allow it, where things are going to be beyond what you could possibly imagine for yourself. A relationship with your own body where your primary focus is holding your physical structure in such a vibration and frequency that you can allow the ascension into greater levels of light in the physical body that begin to result in incredible vitality, wellbeing, regeneration, and rejuvenation of the cells in a much higher frequency because of the level of light that the body is allowing.

You’re going to find it very important to care so deeply for this beautiful body that is you, this beautiful creation of what you are. And so, nurturing and nourishing and loving and cherishing your body first and foremost because it’s so important. Love and care and treat your body the way you would the people that you love the most. Love and care and treat your body the way you would treat those that you love the most. 

Your bodies are so magnificent, really, truly. Really think about for a moment, perceive for a moment the creation of you in a physical body with billions of activities happening on your behalf every moment so that you can experience yourself in physical form. All of the systems of your body—your circulatory system, your respiratory system, your endocrine system, your reproductive systems. We can’t even put in words how you could even quantify all that is happening in your magnificent human bodies in every moment. Billions of things working perfectly. Billions of things working in perfect harmony for your highest wellbeing. And yet oftentimes you focus on a couple of little things that aren’t exactly perfect or the way you want them to be.

And yet when you take a moment to realize that you are your own greatest creation, you created this body as the consciousness and the Source energy that you are. You created this body as the consciousness and the Source energy that you are. It is you as the force field of consciousness that is you that is allowing Source energy to express through you that created this physical body. It is the part of you that is the I Am Creator frequency that created this body with eyes to see and ears to hear and a mouth to taste and fingers and toes and all the incredible things that go on within you.

Your bodies are so magnificent. They are the temple for your wisdom. They are the temple for your love. They are the temple for your light. These bodies are so sacred and holy. Your body is sacred. Whatever you think is wrong with it is nothing compared to the perfection of your body and how many things are working in perfect harmony for your highest wellbeing.

If you went to a great, magnificent, sacred, holy temple somewhere on Earth and as you began to explore this you would realize the power within it. If you laid eyes upon it you would think, wow, that is so magnificent, as it stood there so tall in its power and its glory, the vibration and the frequency that emitted from this incredible temple. You would worship them as sacred places on the Earth. And yet there is no structure on Earth that could ever compare to this radiant temple that is you and the power within you and the light and the vibration and the frequency that emanates from you.

Your body is a temple for consciousness, for wisdom, for love. You are your own greatest creation. You are your own greatest creation. You are your own greatest creation. And your relationships with all those that you love, really you are the expression of joy and love and peace and kindness and companionship and friendship in the lives of others. You are the fun. You are the joy. You are the play. You are the creativity. You are inspiration within your relationships.

It doesn’t matter the labels you put upon them. When you are allowing yourself to be all that you are and you are realizing yourself as the creator that you are within your relationships, you’re going to realize the potential for all of your relationships to be loving, kind, joyful, harmonious, conscious, playful, inspiring, creative, and so very fun, so very fun.

Relationships are such an interesting manifestation. In all of the universe there’s really not a place where one collects so many different types of relationships—friends, coworkers, business partners, uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents, grandchildren, parents, children, sisters, brothers, lovers, ex-lovers, former lovers, desired lovers. All sorts of labels of different professions—doctor-patient, teacher-student, client-professional.

You have so many different labels for all of your collection of relationships. And yet if you saw yourselves from our perspective, not only do we not see those labels, we don’t see a difference between you geographically. You are all Source and extensions of Creator no matter your ethnicity, your homeland, your relationships. 

And so as you come into understanding that your relationships with any other are merely a reflection of your relationship to Source and as you recognize Source as love, as pure love, then you recognize pure love within yourself and every other. And as you recognize the pure love within the other you begin to elevate your relationships to new levels, new levels of connection and communication and collaboration and cocreation.

As you allow more Source energy and as you experience more Source energy within your relationships and as you focus your reality into a state of pure love within you and connecting to the pure love within all others, you continue to go beyond in your expression of relationships and in the experiences you have within those relationships as you expand the pure love that you are and you expand the realization of pure love within the other.

You are your own greatest creation. It is about expressing that fully in all of your relationships. When you realize that there’s no need to test Source because it’s perfect, when you realize that it’s not even about believing or trusting anymore, there is an absolute knowing that you are cared for and protected and guided and loved and that infinite intelligence is always out ahead of you orchestrating things on your behalf, and when you know how divinely perfectly orchestrated all things are in your highest and best good, then all that is left, all that remains in your relationship with Source is pure love. And if all of your relationships in physical form are an extension of your relationship to Source, then what will flow through in full manifestation in all of your relationships will be an experience of pure love no matter who they appear to be. And as you do this you open portals of possibility within your relationships and partnerships for new levels of expansion, expression, and experiences of yourself and the other as Source energy expressing yourself in physical form.

All of this Source energy, as you allow it through you into the world around you, is creating and manifesting and contributing to the INFINITE RESOURCES that are available to you and to all on this planet. You will realize in sharing and fully coming into the energy of giving and receiving as one that there’s always more and that it will create even more. As you realize that receiving is such an important part of the creation process, as you allow yourself to receive all that you have created, realizing that it will expand all that you have to give, and that you are contributing to the expansion of infinite resources on the planet for yourself and for everyone.

You think about a simple cell phone, one that creates a technology where you can speak to anyone anywhere in the world. Wow, it’s almost like telepathy. You can communicate with anyone at any point in time through voice or video anywhere in the world. A platform was put in place, a phone was made, potential was granted, sort of say. It had a potential. But there are infinite potentials and possibilities. Think about all of the applications that have been created to increase productivity and connectability and expand what’s possible.

Everything in the physical form is just merely an expression of your own expansion. As you allow yourself to receive the INFINITE RESOURCES that are here for you and you really step into understanding that the greatest form of wealth on your planet is consciousness, that your consciousness is what contributes to the expansion of abundance and prosperity, and you allow yourself to receive all that you have created instead of doubting and denying your worthiness to receive what it is you really want to experience, because that just limits the abundance and prosperity.

Open and allow yourself to receive fully, fully. It’s so important. You are your own greatest creation. Let it be an abundant one, a prosperous one. Let yourself experience the richness of everything in your life. You are worthy of fully allowing yourself to receive all of the infinite resources that are here for you.

Just take a moment. You don’t need to know what they are. You don’t need to figure it out. You don’t need to figure out why you weren’t allowing it. You don’t need to tell any story about anything right now. Just feel yourself. Are you ready to really receive all of the infinite resources that are here for you? Are you ready to fully receive the infinite resources that are here for you? Are you ready to fully receive all of the INFINITE RESOURCES that are here for you? Are you ready to receive infinite abundance? Are you ready to receive infinite abundance? Are you ready to receive infinite abundance? Are you ready to receive prosperity? Are you ready to receive prosperity? Are you ready to fully receive prosperity on every level in your life? Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Yes. Oh, yes. Oh, yes. Yes. And so it is. And so it is.

And while our words are important, feel for this vibration. Feel for the frequency within you. Can you feel the Source energy flowing through you? Let it in. Let it in. There’s nothing you have to learn. There’s nothing you need to figure out. There’s nothing really left to do. Receive with absolute knowing. Come into absolute knowing. The instant manifestation of absolute knowing is pure love, pure love, pure love. And pure love is your infinite power. Pure love is your infinite power. Pure love is your infinite power.

Take one more moment as you sit here as the center of your universe and realize yourself as your own greatest creation and say it with us now. I am my own greatest creation. I am my own greatest creation. I am my own greatest creation. And so it is. Indeed you are. Indeed you are, which is why we say you are everything you wish to be, you already are, it is all within you. And yet it is so fun to experience yourself as creation in physical form as you manifest and play and have fun and expand and come into greater levels of expansion and create new experiences. It is all here for you, and it is all here for you now. Allow yourself to receive it with the absolute knowing of the pure love and infinite power which is the truth of you. And so it is.

Really good. Take a deep breath and let it go. Oh, it feels so good.

**Channe: Sarah Landon
