Chakras are energy centers in our body. We can tune into the seven main chakras, which give us signals about how we are functioning energetically, physically, emotionally and spiritually. In Sanskrit, chakra means “wheel” and these wheels need to be open so that energy can flow through them and we can function optimally.
My body, mind and spirit are connected in each of these chakras on a physical, mental and spiritual level. My growing ability to tune in to the subtle shifts in these various chakras has provided me with important insight into my inner emotional healing work and allows me to make more informed choices about how to use specific mantras, affirmations and exercises to balance the desired chakra. In this article, I explain how imbalances in each chakra can manifest in the physical and astral body, and offer solutions to bring them back into balance.
This is the first of the seven chakras. In Sanskrit, mula means “root” and adhara means “base” or “support”. Muladhara is the foundation of our being, where we cultivate a sense of security, survival and stability. Before dealing with the higher chakras, it is essential to first create balance in this chakra. An imbalance in the first chakra can manifest as lower back and leg pain and emotional imbalances such as anxiety or eating disorders. Many people who have experienced a lack of coherence in early childhood, which may have left them feeling insecure, unstable or neglected, may develop an imbalance in the muladhara later in life.
Meeting our basic needs in life can be the greatest contribution to a balanced and open muladhara. This balance allows us to feel secure and courageous in our journey through life.
The second chakra is the center of emotional expression and creativity. It is considered the center of our sexual energy. Svadhisthana is Sanskrit for “the abode of the self”, which could be indicative of how our whole self is affected by an unbalanced second chakra. It is the circle of creation. Creation is not just about reproduction, but rather anything that a person can create, such as: art, ideas, food, building things, or any kind of creative expression. If we feel that we are unable to innovate and create, the second chakra may be out of balance.
Consciously participating in sexuality, working on healing sexual trauma, challenging patterns of sexual compulsivity, and maintaining a healthy and open relationship with our emotions helps keep this chakra in balance.
The third chakra is the seat of power. This chakra is located in the solar plexus area between the navel and the sternum. It is associated with the element of fire. When we have Manipura in balance, we feel in touch with our sense of purpose, motivation and confidence. In the physical body, it is associated with metabolism and digestion. If our third chakra gets out of balance, it can manifest as a low sense of self-esteem, difficulty making decisions or staying motivated, or digestive problems.
It is in this area that we experience our “gut feelings” that guide us to achieve our goals. Ignoring these gut indicators or drinking and eating in a way that does not support healthy digestion can lead to the third chakra becoming imbalanced.
The fourth chakra is located in our heart center and is said to be the bridge between the lower physical chakras and the higher spiritual chakras. An open Anahata allows us to love and remain compassionate towards ourselves and others. Physically it is connected to our heart, lungs and chest. When this chakra is open, we experience love, the ability to forgive and acceptance. When the chakra is closed or out of balance, we may experience anger, fear, hatred, sadness, jealousy, or emotional numbness. We may have a sunken chest inward and curl our shoulders forward to contract and protect our heart, or feel tension in the chest, or have health problems with the cardiovascular system.
Choosing love and empathy, instead of fear and anger, is one way to keep Anahata open and balanced.
The fifth chakra moves us into the spiritual plane. This chakra is associated with the throat, thyroid, jaw, throat, mouth and tongue. An open Visuddha allows us to express ourselves, to speak our truth freely and also to listen openly to others and to messages coming from the universe. An open and balanced fifth chakra is related to our work on the lower chakras, as it prepares us to understand ourselves and how we want to express our desires.
If this chakra is out of balance, it could manifest as us not being able to speak up when our boundaries are not respected, and it could move into the physical plane by developing something like laryngitis or loss of voice.
The sixth chakra is said to be the seat of our third eye. Here we cultivate our intuition and clairvoyance. Ajna means “beyond wisdom”. This energy center allows us to visualize and intuit beyond the physical plane. We have access to infinite inner guidance when we create the space for this information to reach us.
When the sixth chakra is out of balance, it may be because we are ignoring our sixth sense and our intuition. Just as we can throw our third chakra out of balance by ignoring our feelings. This can manifest as a feeling of a foggy mind, where you are missing your intuitive sense.
The seventh chakra is located at the top of the head and is the place of our divine connection. We are connected to every living being and are part of a greater all-encompassing whole. The Sahastrara is truly open and in balance when we can experience ourselves as the pure consciousness that we are. If this chakra is out of balance, we are likely experiencing a lack of awareness of our spiritual nature and our divinity.
The crown chakra opens with regular meditation, prayer, silence and perseverance. As a result, we may experience glimpses or even periods of prolonged bliss defined by a sense of pure being and awareness of our sacred connection to all that is.
The oneness of your physical and spiritual body.
Our chakras are energy systems that can be tuned into and focused through healing on an emotional, mental, physical and spiritual level. By tuning into what is stagnant or unwelcoming in our experience, as well as maintaining awareness of subtle physical signals, we can likely identify which chakra may be out of balance and work to heal or shift that particular energy.
**By Alue K Loskotova