Our Galaxy is divided into 12 sectors. Earth is located in sector 9. The Ashtar Command oversees our sector of the Milky Way Galaxy. Ashtar is the Commander.
This is Ashtar, from the Ashtar Command overseeing your planet Earth. The destiny of planet Earth is to rise into a planet of Light and ascend with the other planets in your Solar System who are already in the ascended state and just waiting for Earth to join with them so that your whole solar system can rise into a higher dimension. This will soon happen – as people by the millions are now waking up to the injustices being imposed upon them that are limiting their freedom of movement and freedom of speech.
We, in the Ashtar Command, watch over your solar system and are Guardians of Earth. We have hundreds of thousands of fleets overseeing your quardrant – or sector – of the Milky Way Galaxy and we have removed most of the dark forces that have been lurking there. We have given these last few that remain, notice: that if they don’t leave they will be removed by us and put into quarantine on another planet that has been serving as a prison for the dark forces.
Our fleets are numerous in number and we serve the Creator ~ We monitor your solar system and report to your Spiritual Hierarchy all that we see.
There are great forces of Light stationed on your planet at this time – for this is the last hour – it is the last hour of darkness before the dawn.
A great Light is coming to Earth that will raise your people in consciousness and lift your planet into higher realms of Light where you’ll begin to see us and see the Angels and the Ascended Masters. You will truly know that “YOU ARE NOT ALONE”
We oversee your quadrant of the Milky Way Galaxy and we remain until your planet and people rise into the Light and make your Ascension. Then your whole Milky Way Galaxy rises into the 5th dimension. For all planets in a solar system ascend together. And all solar systems in a galaxy ascend together.
I Am Ashtar ~ Commander and Chief of the Ashtar Command. Call on me Beloveds and I will answer your calls.
**Channel: Dianne Robbins