Venues in Scotland refused to enforce the country’s newly enshrined vaccine passport scheme after the technology behind the app completely failed at its first attempt.

After the new system went into place on Friday morning last week, venues such as football stadiums and nightclubs were expected to begin mandating proof of vaccination as a condition of entry.

However, problems immediately arose after Aberdeen Football Club fans reported issues with the app as soon as it went live.

The club responded swiftly by announcing it wouldn’t be enforced for that weekend’s match.

“Nobody will be asked to show proof of vaccine,” the club said in a statement after fans were unable to buy tickets using the app.

After other football clubs followed suit, hospitality sector bosses said nightclubs would also refuse to make its customers show proof of being jabbed, describing the situation as “farcical.”

“This plan should really be scrapped altogether but, if the SNP insist on charging ahead, it must indefinitely delay the vaccine passport scheme until the most basic issues are ironed out,” said Douglas Ross, the Scottish Tory leader, labeling the entire farce an “omnishambles.”

The system rolled out as a complete failure despite the vast amount of money that was spent on developing it – a total of £600,000 ($816,520).

It remains to be seen whether the system encounters further problems after it has been ‘fixed’ – a process that the government said would take days.

Businesses have been told they won’t be issued fines if they don’t enforce the scheme up until October 18.

Not only are vaccine passport schemes discriminatory and an affront to basic privacy and liberty, they don’t even work properly.

As we previously highlighted, restaurants, bars and cafes in France stopped enforcing the system after people in major cities began having picnics on the streets in protest against the scheme.

The government in England has continually flip flopped on plans to introduce a similar system, although it has indicated it will once again attempt to roll out vaccine passports should COVID cases spike in the winter.
