October is a month of cosmic shifts and changes, and this New Moon is helping to kickstart a lot of what we will experience throughout the month.

At the time of this New Moon on October 6, 2021, we have four cosmic bodies in Libra, creating a stellium and bringing the element of air strongly into our awareness.

The element of air rules over our thinking processes, and can be fuel for inspiring ideas and new ways of thinking about things. The strong element of air can also stir the winds of change, guiding us to open our minds to new possibilities or opportunities.

This lineup of cosmic bodies in Libra includes the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Mars. As they are all sitting in the zodiac of Libra, this will be a strong theme that we get to work with.

Libra energy is all about finding balance, seeking the middle ground, and seeing things from both sides. Libra has the gift of being able to balance the scales so that everyone feels they are getting their fair share.

On deeper levels however, Libra energy is about collaboration. It is about working in harmony with others, with nature, and with all of life. It is about seeing both the oneness and the duality, and living life from this space.

There is a tendency when Libra energy is strong to feel the need to compromise or perhaps tilt the scales so they can be in favor of those we love. While this is fine some of the time, we do have to be mindful of losing sight of our sense of self and compromising too much for the sake of others.

If you have people-pleasing tendencies, or find yourself constantly feeling like you are getting the short end of the stick, this New Moon may be your wake up call to reclaim your power and to balance the scales in your own life.

Mars is particularly active on this Full Moon. Mars is all about action, energy, confidence, and going after what we desire. Its presence can be highly motivating and can help us push past our fears in order to make breakthroughs.

Mars can also activate and heighten our emotions, so if we are feeling like we have been giving too much in any area of our lives, we may feel these emotions triggered under the October New Moon.

New Moons are always a fantastic time to make changes and lay the groundwork for new habits, so if there are things that are no longer working in your life, this would be the perfect time to make some shifts and bring more balance into your life.

Where have you been giving or receiving too much? How can you shift this dynamic to create more balance and harmony?

Use the driving force of Mars to be bold and courageous in your decisions. Know that you are worthy and deserving to receive and that you have the stamina and the energy to give when it is needed.

There is boundless, limitless love in this Universe, so know that it is equally yours to receive and yours to give away.

Jupiter, which is currently traveling retrograde in the sign of Aquarius, is also very active on this New Moon.

Jupiter is the planet of abundance. Its energy can remind us that we live in an abundant world and that there is always enough to go around when the scales are in balance.

There are many injustices and imbalances in this world, but we can start within our own hearts and find ways to create a sense of balance from within.

If you feel the energy of abundance is lacking in your life, see if you can shift your mindset to a place of gratitude. See if you can force yourself to look for the silver lining in any challenges that have come your way.

And, if you feel like you have received an extra generous dose of abundance in your life, see if you can think about ways to give and to share some of your resources with others, or even with Mother Earth.

The October New Moon is a wonderful time to connect with abundance, to know you are worthy of it, to receive it, to fill yourself up with it, and then pass it around to keep it flowing and in a state of balance.

On the same day as the Libra New Moon, Pluto shifts direct after being retrograde since April.

The day a planet stations direct is considered a power day, and as it coincides with the New Moon, this could also be a theme that we notice and feel.

Pluto is the planet of rebirth and transformation. It can sometimes bring deep and long-lasting endings, but this is only so we can take what has gone and rebirth it into something new.

As Pluto has been retrograde for the last few months, we have been invited to look back over the time period between October 2020 and April 2021. What has fallen away and what you have rebirthed since this period of time? How have you transformed?

Pluto is a very subtle energy, but with the activated forces of the New Moon, this would also be a good opportunity to reflect on the transformations in your own life and to honor any deaths or rebirths that have taken place.

October is a busy month and it seems that this New Moon is a reflection of that. There are many energies to work with and enjoy, but ultimately, this new lunar cycle is one of opportunity, abundance, and creating balance. Make it work for you!

**By Tanaaz
