Phase 2 of the evolutionary Ascension Process started January 2020 and with it came the Divine Cease & Desist Order for the Volunteers/First Everythingers/Embodiment Pathpavers but mass humanity as well. It was a Divine planetary-wide, species-wide notification informing Volunteers and global humanity that each of us now HAD to make immediate changes to our numerous personal daily habits and routines because Phase 1 of the Ascension Process had ended and Phase 2 had begun.
Plenty of people rebelled, complained, and pushed back hard over this Divine 2020 planetary mandate (many still are) but all that egoic raging at evolution changes nothing. Permanent global changes arrived with the start of 2020 for all of us like it or not, ready for it or not, and believe it or not we were fortunate to have had that entire year of 2020—as traumatic and reality altering as it was—to be repeatedly shaken out of our mindless daily routines, habits, old passions, obsessions, fixations and the consciousness that went with them. I know it didn’t feel, look or seem like it at the time, but once we enter 2022, all this will make much more sense and we’ll be more grateful for everything the 2020 Divine Cease & Desist Order gave us.
Next 2021 began and every month of this year it’s become increasingly obvious to more people that life has permanently changed, but changed into what and why most do not know. They believe they do but they do not. They believe things will eventually ‘go back to normal’, meaning what they’re familiar with but that’s not going to happen for them or any of us.
To state the obvious, it’s been extra clear to most of us that know we’re living the Ascension Process, that every month of 2021 has gotten considerably more energy intense. It’s the why’s of this that’s important and not that they’ve been more severe, painful, difficult and downright outlandish at times this year.
Many more people abruptly opted out of remaining in their current physical bodies and living the evolutionary Ascension Process and embodying the required NEW Light energies in 2021. There’s zero shame in this, it’s merely a personal Soul choice that each of us has. Know that far more people will be opting out of remaining in their physical bodies once we enter 2022 so be prepared for another mass exodus of humans from the physical realm throughout next year. The media will of course push all sorts of pandemic claims made by the you know who’s that are incorrect about the reasons why greater numbers of deaths are happening throughout 2022. Stay focused on the part you play in the creation and manifestation of NEW Earth for NEW Humans.
When Phase 2 started in 2020, I knew that the start of 2022 would bring with it what I’ve been calling the NEW Divine Mother Feminine energy template for ascending NEW Earth and NEW Humans. There’s been a steady delivery of a bit more and a bit more of the NEW Triality foundational Light energy templates and NEW codes since 2018, and a bit more of some of them in 2019. Once we reached January 2020 and entered Phase 2 of the Ascension Process, the incremental implementing of another layer upon another layer of more NEW Triality-based Light energy templates for ascending NEW Earth went into overdrive. The evolutionary Ascension Process is accelerating and expanding higher and faster in Phase 2 because the pressures to rapidly change, evolve and grow more in a short period of time is due to our entrance into an entirely NEW and radically different planetary Triality-based Light energy template—Divine Mother Feminine.
I know some of you reading this are thinking about what I’m saying using old lower frequency Duality consciousness but what I’m talking about is based fully within higher Triality frequency and consciousness. The NEW Divine Mother Feminine ascending NEW Earth energy template is absolutely not the back and forth masculine/feminine, feminine/masculine Duality of that old lower energy template. Those previous energy templates for life, human consciousness and reality on old 3D Earth have expired and are being replaced. What I’m talking about is so profoundly different, higher and better that it’s going to take some time for everyone to realize this mega CHANGEOVER into this NEW foundational energy template.
Having said that, some unaware people will however simply walk directly on in to these NEW fully anchored 2022 Divine Mother Feminine planetary Light energy templates and codes and not need to dig their ways through any linear nook and cranny details in old left-brains intellectual sorts of ways. They’ll walk directly in from their HighHearts and instantly BE the NEW Humans and won’t need or desire to dissect things in those old lower intellectual ways. How people will know about things is changing dramatically and will now be based from their HighHeart and higher awareness which is based in Triality frequency, not lower Duality frequency of the past Great Evolutionary Cycle. All that is gone and we’re about to fully enter the NEW foundational Light energy templates of ascending/ascended NEW Earth for NEW Humans in 2022.
In the past Great Evolutionary Cycle we just completed within Duality, Divine Mother God Feminine and Divine Father God Masculine were the first two manifestations of Divine Source. At that old lower level and frequency, Divine Mother God Feminine looked like massive black empty Space (the left image) and Divine Father God Masculine (the right image) looked like a single brilliant white stream of Light penetrating the vast black Space. Simplistic and highly Dualized not to mention rather erotic when viewed cosmically.
But, that was the previous energetic templates for that level, cycle, frequency, creative focus and education. That was the previous Great Cycle in the level, frequency and creativity Divine Source intended at that time and at that level of creativity and learning about and within Duality frequency.
It is absolutely not what Divine Mother Feminine and Divine Father Masculine are now in this evolved complex, individually integrated and unified level of Triality within Triality frequency and levels of this NEW Great Evolutionary Cycle.
Currently the images of Divine Mother God Feminine (the left image) and Divine Father God Masculine within Triality frequency (the right image) resemble something vastly more individually integrated and beautifully complex. I am not saying they look exactly like these two images, only that they each are now much more complex and individually integrated which reflects the universal evolution into this next higher frequency Triality level for All. Divine Mother God Feminine contains Divine Father God Masculine within HER/ITSELF. Divine Father God Masculine contains Divine Mother God Feminine within HIS/ITSELF.
Extreme and severe old lower frequency Duality black/white, male/female, masculine/feminine manifest as completely separate from each other is no more. You and I and ascending humanity will exist for the duration of this new Great Evolutionary Cycle within Triality. To ascend to the frequency range of Triality each of us must individually internally integrate in these same ways. Evolution triggered higher level integration, higher level unification, higher level merging of and full energetic and physical embodiment of what had been profoundly separated during the previous Great Cycle in Duality is mandatory for ascending NEW Humans. NEW Earth is absolutely Duality transcended, as will be NEW Humans, is entirely Triality-based, and exists within a much higher energetic system of this new Great Evolutionary Cycle. Ascending humans must do the same internally to become the NEW Humans capable of existing on and co-existing with ascending/ascended NEW Earth.
The two black/white Duality images and the two multi-colored Triality images of Divine Mother Father are my way of attempting to visually represent some of what Triality is about in comparison to old Duality consciousness and reality, and, a bit of what’s coming with our entrance into the NEW Divine Mother Feminine energy template in 2022. This upcoming CHANGEOVER into the Divine Mother Feminine templates of NEW Earth for NEW Humans is a mammoth topic and one I’m focusing on for the remainder of 2021 and 2022. Time’s short and this long worked toward universal goal is mere months away.