Ontario, Canada Premier Doug Ford, leader of the Progressive Conservative Party, is a globalist pawn who has subjected his constituents to mask mandates, lockdowns and vaccine passports.
Doug is the brother of late Toronto mayor Rob Ford, who was infamously caught smoking crack cocaine on camera.
However, not all of the Fords are globalist losers.
Doug Ford’s beautiful daughter Krista Ford Haynes recently told her Instagram followers, “Just remember to thank a liberal when we go down the New World Order… Is anyone questioning why Israel, their studies, are finding that natural immunity is 13-plus times more effective than the [vaccines]? Or are you just going to line up and get your booster shots in a few months?”
The young Ford also noted New York Times studies showing fewer Covid deaths in September of 2020 when nobody was vaccinated than in September of 2021 when over half the country is now vaccinated.
“When I posted in May or June of last year about the upcoming mask mandates and to not comply, this is why I wanted people, urged people not to comply,” Ford explained. “We found out right away that masks weren’t very effective, if effective at all.”
“We could have put our foot down, collectively, and we didn’t. And then you had the mask police lining up at the stores and they wouldn’t let you in without a mask you unless you said that you had an exemption and some stores didn’t even allow that. That was the stepping stone to the [vaccine] passports,” she continued.
Laughing at how naive many people still are regarding the impending government tyranny set to unleash itself on countries around the globe, the Ontario premier’s daughter said, “You think it’s just going to be movie theaters, restaurants, gyms? That’s the first step. It’s going to be hair salons, nail salons, massage clinics. They are going to take it all. They are going to take it all, and we have allowed it.”
Ford told her followers the people should have stood up for their rights at the onset of the pandemic, saying, “We can’t blame the government. We have to blame ourselves for covering our faces. If only we didn’t cover our faces, we wouldn’t be here today.”
When it comes to Covid vaccines, Ford warned the global establishment won’t stop without resistance, telling viewers, “it’s not going to be two [doses] and done, it’s going to be boosters for life and every booster you take is going to weaken your natural immunity to fight off the viruses.”
“Just stop complying,” she pleaded before signing off.
**By Kelen McBreen