“You are the alchemists of light. As you’re ready to step into new levels of your power you’re going to start playing with light in your experience. You’re going to start really playing and creating with your power in new ways, in new levels of consciousness, like nothing you’ve experienced before.”
“You are the alchemists of light. As you’re ready to step into new levels of your power you’re going to start playing with light in your experience. You’re going to start really playing and creating with your power in new ways, in new levels of consciousness, like nothing you’ve experienced before.”
We are so pleased and delighted to have the opportunity to speak with you all on this fine and glorious day indeed. And we remind you that while our words to you are important, this is a vibrational experience of remembering who you really are and why you are here and all that you intended when you chose this magnificent life experience. Because we assure you your life is meant to be so, so, so very good for you and indeed a grand adventure where you choose for you the experiences you wish to have for you.
You are here for the expansion of your soul, the expansion of consciousness, and as you expand your consciousness you seed human potential with possibilities for things beyond anything that have been experienced in this human existence before. You are here expanding potentials and possibilities as you collect data and information of this human experience.
You are expanding your soul, your spirit, sort of say, but really what you are is consciousness, a force field of consciousness, made up of particles of infinite creation. And if you want to live a bigger life and a grander life and a more expansive life, it is allowing and receiving and embracing the power of you and your consciousness and expanding that power as you expand the force field of consciousness that you are, which expands the particles of infinite creation that are always responding to you, which allow you into more grand, magnificent, incredible experiences here in this human experiment.
You are also here to fully express all that you are. You are ascended masters. You are enlightened masters. You are masters. You are Source energy. You are an extension of Source. You are that which you call God, the Divine. That is what you are. And in every moment you are either expressing all that you are or you are denying and doubting all that you are. You are either allowing this magnificent power that creates worlds, that can create your world, or you are doubting and denying it. And you are here to have the experiences that you choose for you. And they can be amazing and miraculous and so full of love and abundance and wellbeing and freedom and beauty and harmony and all the things that surprise you and delight you and excite you and inspire you.
Oh, it’s time to get so very excited about your lives. It’s time for you to let in the really grand things, the really big things, the really magical things, and for every day for you to live in your paradise, your Heaven on Earth, your experience of a New Earth reality, because it is here now and you, dear master, have created it.
We come forth to expand your awareness of what is possible so that your human experience can be everything that you intended it to be, so that your human experience can be everything, everything that you wish it to be, so full of beauty and love and joy and fun and play and excitement, where you really know that you are Creator within your own creation.
And the time is now. It is so important. As you embark on the next few months of your human journey, you are preparing for the next many, many, many, many, many, many years of expanded levels of awareness and new possibilities and potentials.
We are here to bring forth a grander perspective of what is possible for you so that you do not get stuck in doubting or denying like many within the human collective do. Your life can be anything you wish it to be regardless of what anyone else around you is choosing for themself or what the rest of your human collective is choosing for themself. But we assure you it is so important that you live your lives to the fullest, that you love fully and you live fully and you allow yourself to be all that you are.
We are here to bring forth a grander perspective of what is possible for you so that you do not get stuck in doubting or denying like many within the human collective do. Your life can be anything you wish it to be regardless of what anyone else around you is choosing for themself or what the rest of your human collective is choosing for themself. But we assure you it is so important that you live your lives to the fullest, that you love fully and you live fully and you allow yourself to be all that you are.
You are coming into a magnificent time, not only individually but collectively. You’re going to experience a whole lot more collective mastery, mastery where you play and create with other masters, all while being free to choose the creations that you want to experience for yourself and cocreating in magnificent and expanded ways, but really enjoying being in the presence of other masters, this collective mastery, where you expand even beyond what you have ever thought was possible, and what may have ever been possible, only because of the level of consciousness in the human experience and because of your levels of consciousness.
So, as we bring forth grander perspectives and higher levels of awareness of what is possible for you here, you begin to tune your awareness and perceive these things within your own reality that you may have never seen before, and you might not have ever seen because no one ever tuned your awareness to them. And yes, sometimes you have inspirations that come to you or dreams or visions, but all of those things are coming forth to expand your awareness of this magnificent human experience and everything that it can be for you.
You want to go farther. You want to go faster. You want to go higher. You want more. We get it. We hear you. But it is so important that you learn to master your emotions, your thinking, your focus, and the meaning that you’re giving things. The thoughts that you’re thinking are affecting your emotions and the way that you feel. If any time you are triggered or upset or hurt or angry about anything in your life, it is a thought that is creating that. It is what you are thinking about, and it is the meaning that you are giving it. And it is so, so, so important for you to move into grander levels of awareness and higher perspectives or viewpoints of this human experience for you to really understand that you have the power to choose the thoughts that you are thinking, which affects your emotions. You have the power to focus on anything that you choose, and you have the power to give it any meaning you wish.
You are Creator within your own creation. You are creating your experience. You are creating your reality. The particles of infinite creation are always responding to you. It is so important now that you understand the power of your thoughts and your thinking, because there—oh, oh, oh—there is so much opportunity for you to step into new levels of energy, of consciousness in New Earth realities, new levels of your power, new potential, new possibilities.
Are they available to everyone? Yes, absolutely. However, most will not choose them. Every single being within this collective human consciousness that has ever been in this human experience has seeded this experience with potentials and possibilities. There come times in your existence where there is an opportunity for massive receiving. Because as you’re up-leveling and up-leveling and expanding into more, into more, into more, it is so important that you receive all that has been given, all that you have created, meaning the abundance and the prosperity that is here for you, the wellbeing and the joy, the freedom, the harmony, the beauty, the realization of your life in a New Earth, the realization of your life in Heaven on Earth, and the realization of every day you living in your paradise.
There are many who could go on a vacation to a place they want to go and for a day or two might find themselves excited and feeling out of their element and feeling really good. But in a very short period of time, if you have not elevated your consciousness and come into your power and really created within this force field of conscious that is you an awareness of how powerful your thoughts are, within a few days many would return—even though they’re still physically in what you would call a paradise, they have returned to struggle, suffering, worrying, anxiety. And it wouldn’t matter their geographic location, because now they’re back in the density and in the struggle, in the lack and the limitation, in the fear and the separation.
It takes one who is conscious of the power of your thoughts and your thinking to maintain a moment by moment by moment experience of paradise, Heaven on Earth, a New Earth no matter where you are. And as you do, you draw to you more experiences and more expanded experiences of paradise, Heaven on Earth, and a New Earth reality.
You are coming into a magnificent time, not only individually but collectively. You’re going to experience a whole lot more collective mastery, mastery where you play and create with other masters, all while being free to choose the creations that you want to experience for yourself and cocreating in magnificent and expanded ways, but really enjoying being in the presence of other masters, this collective mastery, where you expand even beyond what you have ever thought was possible, and what may have ever been possible, only because of the level of consciousness in the human experience and because of your levels of consciousness.
So, as we bring forth grander perspectives and higher levels of awareness of what is possible for you here, you begin to tune your awareness and perceive these things within your own reality that you may have never seen before, and you might not have ever seen because no one ever tuned your awareness to them. And yes, sometimes you have inspirations that come to you or dreams or visions, but all of those things are coming forth to expand your awareness of this magnificent human experience and everything that it can be for you.
You want to go farther. You want to go faster. You want to go higher. You want more. We get it. We hear you. But it is so important that you learn to master your emotions, your thinking, your focus, and the meaning that you’re giving things. The thoughts that you’re thinking are affecting your emotions and the way that you feel. If any time you are triggered or upset or hurt or angry about anything in your life, it is a thought that is creating that. It is what you are thinking about, and it is the meaning that you are giving it. And it is so, so, so important for you to move into grander levels of awareness and higher perspectives or viewpoints of this human experience for you to really understand that you have the power to choose the thoughts that you are thinking, which affects your emotions. You have the power to focus on anything that you choose, and you have the power to give it any meaning you wish.
You are Creator within your own creation. You are creating your experience. You are creating your reality. The particles of infinite creation are always responding to you. It is so important now that you understand the power of your thoughts and your thinking, because there—oh, oh, oh—there is so much opportunity for you to step into new levels of energy, of consciousness in New Earth realities, new levels of your power, new potential, new possibilities.
Are they available to everyone? Yes, absolutely. However, most will not choose them. Every single being within this collective human consciousness that has ever been in this human experience has seeded this experience with potentials and possibilities. There come times in your existence where there is an opportunity for massive receiving. Because as you’re up-leveling and up-leveling and expanding into more, into more, into more, it is so important that you receive all that has been given, all that you have created, meaning the abundance and the prosperity that is here for you, the wellbeing and the joy, the freedom, the harmony, the beauty, the realization of your life in a New Earth, the realization of your life in Heaven on Earth, and the realization of every day you living in your paradise.
There are many who could go on a vacation to a place they want to go and for a day or two might find themselves excited and feeling out of their element and feeling really good. But in a very short period of time, if you have not elevated your consciousness and come into your power and really created within this force field of conscious that is you an awareness of how powerful your thoughts are, within a few days many would return—even though they’re still physically in what you would call a paradise, they have returned to struggle, suffering, worrying, anxiety. And it wouldn’t matter their geographic location, because now they’re back in the density and in the struggle, in the lack and the limitation, in the fear and the separation.
It takes one who is conscious of the power of your thoughts and your thinking to maintain a moment by moment by moment experience of paradise, Heaven on Earth, a New Earth no matter where you are. And as you do, you draw to you more experiences and more expanded experiences of paradise, Heaven on Earth, and a New Earth reality.
You have powers beyond what you have realized, and yet you have realized more of your power here and now than ever before in this life or any life and what has ever really been discovered as the power of your mind, your thoughts, your thinking to create your reality in your life any way you wish it to be.
Many of you are going to find yourself in positions of leadership, of being wayshowers in the world the way you have always desired to be. That can be in a family. That can be in a school. That can be raising children. That could be on a stage. That can be on a platform. That could be in books and courses and wisdom that you share with the world. It could be you sharing your gifts and your joys and your pleasures. It can be anything you wish it to be. It can be you sharing your experience of paradise. Whatever it is, you’re going to find yourselves really shining brightly in the world as the leaders and the wayshowers that you are here to be.
You are here pioneering life in a New Earth reality. You are here pioneering new levels of consciousness. You are here pioneering possibilities and potentials. You are here pioneering the conscious creation of your reality as Creators within your own creation. It is important that you embrace yourself as the master that you are.
We have said for much time now that it is about coming into the realization, the integration of every part of you, and then living as the embodied, enlightened master that you are on the planet at this time until after many, many years of joy in paradise, Heaven on Earth, New Earth realities, living as the ascended, enlightened, embodied masters that you are, for each and every one of you there is a potential to transition from this human experience into the journey beyond in a way that few have never realized or few have ever realized.
You can live your life to the fullest and love fully and be all that you are, living forevermore happily ever after in your creation of reality until the moment that you feel an inspiration, a peaceful, blissful, joyful, exciting inspiration that it’s time for you to release the density of the body and reemerge into the nonphysical higher levels of consciousness to continue your journey into creation in new ways.
You would then find an incredible peace in your life as you did whatever you were inspired to do to complete this part of the magnificent journey, to thank your friends and family, to come to peace with all that is here in this experience, to really take in the beauty one last magical, magnificent time, to really feel your freedom and the love and what joy and love and freedom and peace and harmony and wellbeing really, really, really feel like, embodying it to the fullest until the moment that you peacefully, harmoniously and ever so gracefully choose to release the density of the body to begin a new phase of your journey, the journey beyond, into higher levels of consciousness.
When every single one of you remembers that it is possible for your transitions back into nonphysical, releasing the density of the body, can be of the most peaceful, harmonious, graceful, experiences of your life, you will understand living fully without the fear of the death or the death process.
It is important in your human experience because in times to come you will not experience lives in bodies quite like you do now. Bodies will last for a long period of time. They will thrive. They will be a temple of wellbeing. And your lives will be much longer than what you can imagine possible. And you will release the density of the body in a ceremonial, harmonious, beautiful way. You will transcend the concept of death in the human experience.
You, as the wayshowers and the leaders that you are, are here to transcend and ascend beyond these deep-rooted limited beliefs based in fear and separation and lack and limitation within your own experiences in this life such that you can contribute to an awakening for all those who are ready to understand that they can live this way too. And you will contribute to elevating the collective human consciousness beyond the fear of death.
It is of your greatest fears, yet not one that you came here with. The only innate human fears are loud noises and a fear of falling. And so the fear of death is something you have learned because many in this human experience—and there is absolutely no judgment from our side ever—have forgotten that they can release the density of the body without ever needing to entangle with decay, disease, trauma and drama, cancer, suffering when they are complete in this experience.
And yet truly there is no judgment from our side how any being chooses to release the density of the body and continue forth. But as many of you have asked how we eradicate disease, how you eradicate heart disease and cancers and these things on your planet, it is simply remembering that many have chosen that path, although not consciously or intentionally, as the means to awaken to their power, to come into new levels of their own power, and some choose it for a way to release the density of the body and come fully into all that they are beyond the density of the physical human experience. There is no judgment from our side ever about any way that one chooses to leave this incarnation, even if it is that which you call suicide or other things.
Now, we say all of this because we really want you to start understanding that coming into new levels of awareness of what’s possible for you is transcending some of these very, very limited beliefs. All—all—of these things—debt is just a belief, death is just a belief, divorce is just a belief, breakup is just a belief, leaving, gone, ended, just a belief. Even war and warring and judgment and all of these things associated with it, like prejudice or racism, they’re just beliefs. None of them are real.
Nothing is judged from our perspective because it’s understood that when you’re in a dimension of consciousness of separation from yourself and Source and all that is you will begin to perceive differences because you’re focused on separation, and the meaning you give these differences begins to create prejudice in your human experience.
Within every human being is Source, God, the Divine, truly. And so when you elevate yourself beyond these misbeliefs, these misbeliefs, these misconceptions, you begin to bring new focus and new meaning to potentials and possibilities.
There are so many things in your human experience that we know you wish to transform from fear to love, from darkness to light, from chaos to harmony, from suffering to peace, and we assure you you have the power to do so within yourself and within your own life. And the only way you can contribute to peace and love and freedom and harmony and abundance in the way you wish it to be is by creating it within yourself.
It’s time to really understand your mastery. We’re going to be speaking a great deal about living as the masters that you are in your realization of paradise, first accepting that you are master. You are. You’re the master of your life, of your experience, of your world. You are an ascended master, every single one of you. You know this, because as we have said many times, ascended masters have such a great love for humanity, for the animals, for the planet, for this experience. You stay in levels of consciousness still very much in support of the human experience being everything that it can possibly be.
You have powers beyond what you have realized, and yet you have realized more of your power here and now than ever before in this life or any life and what has ever really been discovered as the power of your mind, your thoughts, your thinking to create your reality in your life any way you wish it to be.
Many of you are going to find yourself in positions of leadership, of being wayshowers in the world the way you have always desired to be. That can be in a family. That can be in a school. That can be raising children. That could be on a stage. That can be on a platform. That could be in books and courses and wisdom that you share with the world. It could be you sharing your gifts and your joys and your pleasures. It can be anything you wish it to be. It can be you sharing your experience of paradise. Whatever it is, you’re going to find yourselves really shining brightly in the world as the leaders and the wayshowers that you are here to be.
You are here pioneering life in a New Earth reality. You are here pioneering new levels of consciousness. You are here pioneering possibilities and potentials. You are here pioneering the conscious creation of your reality as Creators within your own creation. It is important that you embrace yourself as the master that you are.
We have said for much time now that it is about coming into the realization, the integration of every part of you, and then living as the embodied, enlightened master that you are on the planet at this time until after many, many years of joy in paradise, Heaven on Earth, New Earth realities, living as the ascended, enlightened, embodied masters that you are, for each and every one of you there is a potential to transition from this human experience into the journey beyond in a way that few have never realized or few have ever realized.
You can live your life to the fullest and love fully and be all that you are, living forevermore happily ever after in your creation of reality until the moment that you feel an inspiration, a peaceful, blissful, joyful, exciting inspiration that it’s time for you to release the density of the body and reemerge into the nonphysical higher levels of consciousness to continue your journey into creation in new ways.
You would then find an incredible peace in your life as you did whatever you were inspired to do to complete this part of the magnificent journey, to thank your friends and family, to come to peace with all that is here in this experience, to really take in the beauty one last magical, magnificent time, to really feel your freedom and the love and what joy and love and freedom and peace and harmony and wellbeing really, really, really feel like, embodying it to the fullest until the moment that you peacefully, harmoniously and ever so gracefully choose to release the density of the body to begin a new phase of your journey, the journey beyond, into higher levels of consciousness.
When every single one of you remembers that it is possible for your transitions back into nonphysical, releasing the density of the body, can be of the most peaceful, harmonious, graceful, experiences of your life, you will understand living fully without the fear of the death or the death process.
It is important in your human experience because in times to come you will not experience lives in bodies quite like you do now. Bodies will last for a long period of time. They will thrive. They will be a temple of wellbeing. And your lives will be much longer than what you can imagine possible. And you will release the density of the body in a ceremonial, harmonious, beautiful way. You will transcend the concept of death in the human experience.
You, as the wayshowers and the leaders that you are, are here to transcend and ascend beyond these deep-rooted limited beliefs based in fear and separation and lack and limitation within your own experiences in this life such that you can contribute to an awakening for all those who are ready to understand that they can live this way too. And you will contribute to elevating the collective human consciousness beyond the fear of death.
It is of your greatest fears, yet not one that you came here with. The only innate human fears are loud noises and a fear of falling. And so the fear of death is something you have learned because many in this human experience—and there is absolutely no judgment from our side ever—have forgotten that they can release the density of the body without ever needing to entangle with decay, disease, trauma and drama, cancer, suffering when they are complete in this experience.
And yet truly there is no judgment from our side how any being chooses to release the density of the body and continue forth. But as many of you have asked how we eradicate disease, how you eradicate heart disease and cancers and these things on your planet, it is simply remembering that many have chosen that path, although not consciously or intentionally, as the means to awaken to their power, to come into new levels of their own power, and some choose it for a way to release the density of the body and come fully into all that they are beyond the density of the physical human experience. There is no judgment from our side ever about any way that one chooses to leave this incarnation, even if it is that which you call suicide or other things.
Now, we say all of this because we really want you to start understanding that coming into new levels of awareness of what’s possible for you is transcending some of these very, very limited beliefs. All—all—of these things—debt is just a belief, death is just a belief, divorce is just a belief, breakup is just a belief, leaving, gone, ended, just a belief. Even war and warring and judgment and all of these things associated with it, like prejudice or racism, they’re just beliefs. None of them are real.
Nothing is judged from our perspective because it’s understood that when you’re in a dimension of consciousness of separation from yourself and Source and all that is you will begin to perceive differences because you’re focused on separation, and the meaning you give these differences begins to create prejudice in your human experience.
Within every human being is Source, God, the Divine, truly. And so when you elevate yourself beyond these misbeliefs, these misbeliefs, these misconceptions, you begin to bring new focus and new meaning to potentials and possibilities.
There are so many things in your human experience that we know you wish to transform from fear to love, from darkness to light, from chaos to harmony, from suffering to peace, and we assure you you have the power to do so within yourself and within your own life. And the only way you can contribute to peace and love and freedom and harmony and abundance in the way you wish it to be is by creating it within yourself.
It’s time to really understand your mastery. We’re going to be speaking a great deal about living as the masters that you are in your realization of paradise, first accepting that you are master. You are. You’re the master of your life, of your experience, of your world. You are an ascended master, every single one of you. You know this, because as we have said many times, ascended masters have such a great love for humanity, for the animals, for the planet, for this experience. You stay in levels of consciousness still very much in support of the human experience being everything that it can possibly be.
Your love for humanity is what focused you here. Your love for the planet and the animals is what focused your consciousness into this human experience. You are an ascended master. And as you come into embodying your mastery, living as the enlightened master that you are, an enlightened master understands they can return everything to the light. They can return everything to the light, where it is regenerated, renewed, and recreated from Source through the light.
You can take anything, because everything really is a holographic image, everything really is more holographic than you realize. It is far less dense. Even the dense things are all made of light, maybe a very slow dense frequency, but everything is light. There really isn’t a polarity here. But because you experience day and night and day and night and day and night you have awareness of light and dark, light and dark.
Everything is Source. Everything is All That Is. There’s really no judgment of the light or the dark. But when we use the word ‘light’—most all of you, if we said ‘Who are you?’ and you asked yourself ‘Who am I? Who am I?’ many of you would answer ‘I am light. I am the light.’ And so there’s a part of you that knows that that is the truth of you and everything.
And as you start to really play with your power as an alchemist of light you begin to create in whole new levels of reality, and you will see it moving into physical form. You will embody it. You will see it in the physical. You will see new realities created. And many, many like you will also remember their power. And you will know that anything that has ever happened in the human experience, you can give it to the light. You can release it to the light and allow it to be recreated from the highest perspective in alignment with the highest good.
So in this moment take a deep breath. If you have not done so already, close your eyes. Take a deep breath in. And as you breathe out, relax deeply into your being and allow, allow, allow. Allow yourself into the power of the light that you are, knowing that you are an alchemist of the light, that all things can be transmuted into light, transformed into light, alchemized back into the light, into the Source of All That Is, of all of creation, to be recreated in the highest good, from the highest view, from the grandest perspective of the truth of you and everyone.
Allow yourself to think of something in your own life—a memory, a story, an experience, maybe a relationship, maybe the way a relationship ended, maybe an experience of disharmony you’ve had with someone, or maybe something in the world that isn’t the way you wish it to be, or some group of people that you desire to see living more peacefully, or the animals, where you have experienced suffering of animals, or the planet.
Allow whatever it is that pops first and most importantly into your awareness. Notice that this is an image in your mind, that this thing, whatever it is, is an image. And as you allow the image to come into focus in your mind, you don’t have to entangle with it. You’re just allowing yourself consciously to observe this image that is presenting itself to you. And as you see this image in your mind, know that you can, through your power, through your focus, as the alchemist of light that you are, return whatever this is back into Source, back into light, back into love.
So, now with your eyes closed, we want you to reach your hand out in front of you with the palm of your hand open. And as you gently allow your hand to rest in front of you with the palm of your hand open towards the sky, we want you to move that image, that image in your mind of this unwanted experience, whatever it is, move it from your mind into the palm of your hand and with your eyes closed observe.
This image is now in the palm of your hand. It might look like a person, like an image of a movie or an image of a story. It may look like a collective of people, really tiny in the palm of your hand. It may be a collective of animals or a place on Earth. Just allowing yourself with your eyes closed to really see this image now in the palm of your hand.
All of you have this power. Alchemists of light. You are the alchemists of light. You are alchemists of light. As you’re ready to step into new levels of your power you’re going to start playing with light in your experience. You’re going to start really playing and creating with your power in new ways, in new levels of consciousness, like nothing you’ve experienced before.
You can take anything, because everything really is a holographic image, everything really is more holographic than you realize. It is far less dense. Even the dense things are all made of light, maybe a very slow dense frequency, but everything is light. There really isn’t a polarity here. But because you experience day and night and day and night and day and night you have awareness of light and dark, light and dark.
Everything is Source. Everything is All That Is. There’s really no judgment of the light or the dark. But when we use the word ‘light’—most all of you, if we said ‘Who are you?’ and you asked yourself ‘Who am I? Who am I?’ many of you would answer ‘I am light. I am the light.’ And so there’s a part of you that knows that that is the truth of you and everything.
And as you start to really play with your power as an alchemist of light you begin to create in whole new levels of reality, and you will see it moving into physical form. You will embody it. You will see it in the physical. You will see new realities created. And many, many like you will also remember their power. And you will know that anything that has ever happened in the human experience, you can give it to the light. You can release it to the light and allow it to be recreated from the highest perspective in alignment with the highest good.
So in this moment take a deep breath. If you have not done so already, close your eyes. Take a deep breath in. And as you breathe out, relax deeply into your being and allow, allow, allow. Allow yourself into the power of the light that you are, knowing that you are an alchemist of the light, that all things can be transmuted into light, transformed into light, alchemized back into the light, into the Source of All That Is, of all of creation, to be recreated in the highest good, from the highest view, from the grandest perspective of the truth of you and everyone.
Allow yourself to think of something in your own life—a memory, a story, an experience, maybe a relationship, maybe the way a relationship ended, maybe an experience of disharmony you’ve had with someone, or maybe something in the world that isn’t the way you wish it to be, or some group of people that you desire to see living more peacefully, or the animals, where you have experienced suffering of animals, or the planet.
Allow whatever it is that pops first and most importantly into your awareness. Notice that this is an image in your mind, that this thing, whatever it is, is an image. And as you allow the image to come into focus in your mind, you don’t have to entangle with it. You’re just allowing yourself consciously to observe this image that is presenting itself to you. And as you see this image in your mind, know that you can, through your power, through your focus, as the alchemist of light that you are, return whatever this is back into Source, back into light, back into love.
So, now with your eyes closed, we want you to reach your hand out in front of you with the palm of your hand open. And as you gently allow your hand to rest in front of you with the palm of your hand open towards the sky, we want you to move that image, that image in your mind of this unwanted experience, whatever it is, move it from your mind into the palm of your hand and with your eyes closed observe.
This image is now in the palm of your hand. It might look like a person, like an image of a movie or an image of a story. It may look like a collective of people, really tiny in the palm of your hand. It may be a collective of animals or a place on Earth. Just allowing yourself with your eyes closed to really see this image now in the palm of your hand.
And when you are ready, the alchemist that you are, with this image now placed in the palm of your hand, noticing that it’s no longer in your body, that you have moved it out from your mind and from your consciousness into the palm of your hand. And when you are ready, begin to raise your hand up to the sky, offering this image to Source, God, the Divine, the light, to be made whole and complete and of love once again.
And when you are ready, the alchemist that you are, with this image now placed in the palm of your hand, noticing that it’s no longer in your body, that you have moved it out from your mind and from your consciousness into the palm of your hand. And when you are ready, begin to raise your hand up to the sky, offering this image to Source, God, the Divine, the light, to be made whole and complete and of love once again.
And as you do, imagining the brightest, most beautiful light that you’ve ever seen coming down, coming down, coming down, coming down into the palm of your hand, illuminating the palm of your hand, this image in the palm of your hand with light, the light illuminating all the way down your arm, in the field around you. Everywhere is this bright, beautiful light. The intensity of this light focused on this image in your hand and focused in your hand. And as you observe it and you feel it, releasing this image to the light. Bless it. Say thank you, thank you for what you have given me, thank you for what you have taught me. I bless you. I receive the gifts, and now I give it to the light. I release it, I let it go, I give it to the light.
And as you do, bless it. Thank it for the experiences. Thank it for this moment where it brought you into your power to remember the alchemist that you are, that you can return anything to the light. And as you are ready, fully give it to the light and see the light illuminated so brightly in your hand. It begins to emanate through every aspect of that image. And as the light gets brighter and brighter and brighter the image turns into the light, is returned to the light.
And now as you look in the palm of your hand there is nothing but light. This image, this experience has been returned to the light, to the love, to the highest good, to the truth.
And now feel nothing but light in the palm of your hand. It has been returned to the light to be recreated from love, from truth, from the highest perspective. And as you take one more moment to feel the light that you have summoned here to return this thing to the light, the alchemist that you are, thanking the light, thanking yourself, thanking the master that you are, thanking this moment of remembering that you are an alchemist and you can turn anything to light. You can return it to the light. And so it is.
Gently resting your hand on your heart now, remembering the power within you to be the light, to bring the light, to transmute anything back into light, to love, to wholeness. This is your power.
With your hand on your heart, feeling deeply for the place where your hand and your heart come together. Feeling the warm glow between your hand and your heart. Expanding that, this love that you are, expanding it as the light that you are, expanding it as the power that you are, alchemist of the light, alchemist of the light, alchemist of the light. And so it is.
You have the tools. You have the power. You have the awareness. You know the processes. Use them in your life to transform, to transmute, to bring everything back into light and love and wholeness and truth. This is the power you have. Death is an illusion. Debt is an illusion. Trauma and drama and chaos, they’re illusions. War is an illusion. Prejudice is an illusion. Suffering is an illusion. Lack is an illusion. Limitation is an illusion. Fear is an illusion. Separation is an illusion. Bring everything back into light and love and wholeness. This is the power you have.
Death can be so beyond. It can be such a beautiful experience of continuing the journey beyond as the master that you are. Your relationships as they change and transform and are created in new ways can be beautiful and harmonious and conscious and peaceful transitions. As you recreate anything in your life, navigating through change but navigating through creation, walking in the light, being the light, shining the light, in every aspect of your life, in every area of your life, this is the power you have.
You don’t need to know what it is you’re transforming things into. You are the conduit by which you return all things to truth, to Source, to love, to light, to wholeness. You don’t have to be specific. In fact, the more general you are—really letting go and allowing the highest and best good because your human can’t perceive that.
And as you do, imagining the brightest, most beautiful light that you’ve ever seen coming down, coming down, coming down, coming down into the palm of your hand, illuminating the palm of your hand, this image in the palm of your hand with light, the light illuminating all the way down your arm, in the field around you. Everywhere is this bright, beautiful light. The intensity of this light focused on this image in your hand and focused in your hand. And as you observe it and you feel it, releasing this image to the light. Bless it. Say thank you, thank you for what you have given me, thank you for what you have taught me. I bless you. I receive the gifts, and now I give it to the light. I release it, I let it go, I give it to the light.
And as you do, bless it. Thank it for the experiences. Thank it for this moment where it brought you into your power to remember the alchemist that you are, that you can return anything to the light. And as you are ready, fully give it to the light and see the light illuminated so brightly in your hand. It begins to emanate through every aspect of that image. And as the light gets brighter and brighter and brighter the image turns into the light, is returned to the light.
And now as you look in the palm of your hand there is nothing but light. This image, this experience has been returned to the light, to the love, to the highest good, to the truth.
And now feel nothing but light in the palm of your hand. It has been returned to the light to be recreated from love, from truth, from the highest perspective. And as you take one more moment to feel the light that you have summoned here to return this thing to the light, the alchemist that you are, thanking the light, thanking yourself, thanking the master that you are, thanking this moment of remembering that you are an alchemist and you can turn anything to light. You can return it to the light. And so it is.
Gently resting your hand on your heart now, remembering the power within you to be the light, to bring the light, to transmute anything back into light, to love, to wholeness. This is your power.
With your hand on your heart, feeling deeply for the place where your hand and your heart come together. Feeling the warm glow between your hand and your heart. Expanding that, this love that you are, expanding it as the light that you are, expanding it as the power that you are, alchemist of the light, alchemist of the light, alchemist of the light. And so it is.
You have the tools. You have the power. You have the awareness. You know the processes. Use them in your life to transform, to transmute, to bring everything back into light and love and wholeness and truth. This is the power you have. Death is an illusion. Debt is an illusion. Trauma and drama and chaos, they’re illusions. War is an illusion. Prejudice is an illusion. Suffering is an illusion. Lack is an illusion. Limitation is an illusion. Fear is an illusion. Separation is an illusion. Bring everything back into light and love and wholeness. This is the power you have.
Death can be so beyond. It can be such a beautiful experience of continuing the journey beyond as the master that you are. Your relationships as they change and transform and are created in new ways can be beautiful and harmonious and conscious and peaceful transitions. As you recreate anything in your life, navigating through change but navigating through creation, walking in the light, being the light, shining the light, in every aspect of your life, in every area of your life, this is the power you have.
You don’t need to know what it is you’re transforming things into. You are the conduit by which you return all things to truth, to Source, to love, to light, to wholeness. You don’t have to be specific. In fact, the more general you are—really letting go and allowing the highest and best good because your human can’t perceive that.
We love your magnificent humans, but your magnificent human cannot perceive from the highest viewpoint and a grander perspective, doesn’t have the awareness of that which is in the highest good. It may think it knows what’s in the best in this moment to alleviate the struggle or the suffering or the pain, but when you return all things to the light there is an intelligence, there is a truth, there is a power, and that power is the part of you that is always connected to Source, the part of you you may call your soul or your spirit or consciousness or your higher self or your God part of you. There’s a part of you that is working with divine orchestration for the highest and best good of all, and your human can come into a cohesive collaborative partnership with that part of you without needing to know or understand. Human doing its part, allowing yourself to be the alchemist of light that you are.
There are many, many things that we will bring forth in the days and weeks and months and years to come that will expand what you believe is possible for yourselves. But it’s important that you master your thoughts and your thinking and your emotions because they are what determine the level of power you’re allowing in every moment. It determines the power of your consciousness, determines what you’re focused on, the meaning you’re giving it and what you’re choosing. And we know all of you choose love, peace, harmony, wellbeing, abundance, freedom, beauty, fun, play, creativity, inspiration, expansion. Yes, all of that and so much more is here for you, is possible for you, will be experienced by you.
This is why we say it’s so important at times to slow down, to put some space around yourself. Nothing is worth your Heaven on Earth. And usually what is taking you out of your paradise are your thoughts and the thoughts that you are thinking. And you must come into the knowing that you can choose any thoughts you think, you can choose your perspective, you can choose the level of awareness, and you can choose the level of consciousness you’re in.
Your ultimate purpose here is to have fun, to do the things that bring you joy, to choose the experiences you want to have for you as Creator within your own creation, and to do so from the highest vibration and the highest level of consciousness because you are contributing to the joy, to the play, to the fun, to the happiness, to the love, to the abundance on this planet. You are positively contributing to the raising of the vibration of the planet, and you are positively contributing to the raising of the consciousness of the planet where all those can remember that peace and joy and love and play and fun and harmony and wellbeing and freedom are available to them too.
And you will see freedom, and you will see peace and you will see harmony, not only within you and the world that you create for you, but you will begin to see it taking shape and taking form in the world around you. You’ll wonder what miraculous and magical things are happening. But we assure you it’s you, it’s you, it’s you. You are the alchemist of light on Earth. You are the alchemist of love on Earth. You are the alchemist of peace turning lead into gold, turning dark into light—although we do not intend to create polarity or judgment. If you can stay general, in a state of wholeness, completeness, and love and freedom and light and joy and focus upon that, there’s no need to entangle with polarity or density or darkness.
And this is not to say that your moments of sadness or grief or struggle or frustration are ever judged in any way, because they are not. It is known from all levels that you will return to the joy and the peace and the love and harmony that is the truth of you, as will everyone. But you are here because you are asking, because you remember that you are here to be a wayshower, that you are here pioneering new levels of consciousness. And as you play and create and have fun as the creator that you are within your own creation of paradise remember how important you are. Remember the power you have.
You’re going to really enjoy the level of collaboration and cocreation and connection with many other masters on the planet at this time. For many years most of you have experienced a lot of isolation or time with yourself or solitary time in this awakening, and you’re desiring collectively to come together as the masters that you are and play and create and have fun and cocreate and expand. And this is the reality you’re moving into now, which will be so very fun for you.
Remember, you drew this to you. You are the one really channeling this to you. You’re remembering, awakening to new levels of your power, coming into knowing the infinite potentials and possibilities that are here for you so your life can be everything that you intended it to be. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is.
We love your magnificent humans, but your magnificent human cannot perceive from the highest viewpoint and a grander perspective, doesn’t have the awareness of that which is in the highest good. It may think it knows what’s in the best in this moment to alleviate the struggle or the suffering or the pain, but when you return all things to the light there is an intelligence, there is a truth, there is a power, and that power is the part of you that is always connected to Source, the part of you you may call your soul or your spirit or consciousness or your higher self or your God part of you. There’s a part of you that is working with divine orchestration for the highest and best good of all, and your human can come into a cohesive collaborative partnership with that part of you without needing to know or understand. Human doing its part, allowing yourself to be the alchemist of light that you are.
There are many, many things that we will bring forth in the days and weeks and months and years to come that will expand what you believe is possible for yourselves. But it’s important that you master your thoughts and your thinking and your emotions because they are what determine the level of power you’re allowing in every moment. It determines the power of your consciousness, determines what you’re focused on, the meaning you’re giving it and what you’re choosing. And we know all of you choose love, peace, harmony, wellbeing, abundance, freedom, beauty, fun, play, creativity, inspiration, expansion. Yes, all of that and so much more is here for you, is possible for you, will be experienced by you.
This is why we say it’s so important at times to slow down, to put some space around yourself. Nothing is worth your Heaven on Earth. And usually what is taking you out of your paradise are your thoughts and the thoughts that you are thinking. And you must come into the knowing that you can choose any thoughts you think, you can choose your perspective, you can choose the level of awareness, and you can choose the level of consciousness you’re in.
Your ultimate purpose here is to have fun, to do the things that bring you joy, to choose the experiences you want to have for you as Creator within your own creation, and to do so from the highest vibration and the highest level of consciousness because you are contributing to the joy, to the play, to the fun, to the happiness, to the love, to the abundance on this planet. You are positively contributing to the raising of the vibration of the planet, and you are positively contributing to the raising of the consciousness of the planet where all those can remember that peace and joy and love and play and fun and harmony and wellbeing and freedom are available to them too.
And you will see freedom, and you will see peace and you will see harmony, not only within you and the world that you create for you, but you will begin to see it taking shape and taking form in the world around you. You’ll wonder what miraculous and magical things are happening. But we assure you it’s you, it’s you, it’s you. You are the alchemist of light on Earth. You are the alchemist of love on Earth. You are the alchemist of peace turning lead into gold, turning dark into light—although we do not intend to create polarity or judgment. If you can stay general, in a state of wholeness, completeness, and love and freedom and light and joy and focus upon that, there’s no need to entangle with polarity or density or darkness.
And this is not to say that your moments of sadness or grief or struggle or frustration are ever judged in any way, because they are not. It is known from all levels that you will return to the joy and the peace and the love and harmony that is the truth of you, as will everyone. But you are here because you are asking, because you remember that you are here to be a wayshower, that you are here pioneering new levels of consciousness. And as you play and create and have fun as the creator that you are within your own creation of paradise remember how important you are. Remember the power you have.
You’re going to really enjoy the level of collaboration and cocreation and connection with many other masters on the planet at this time. For many years most of you have experienced a lot of isolation or time with yourself or solitary time in this awakening, and you’re desiring collectively to come together as the masters that you are and play and create and have fun and cocreate and expand. And this is the reality you’re moving into now, which will be so very fun for you.
Remember, you drew this to you. You are the one really channeling this to you. You’re remembering, awakening to new levels of your power, coming into knowing the infinite potentials and possibilities that are here for you so your life can be everything that you intended it to be. And so it is. And so it is. And so it is.
**Channel: Sara Landon