The solar plexus chakra is the third chakra within our powerful energetic body system.

This chakra is the seat of transformation, power, and will. It is from this center that we learn to trust our intuition, instincts and to flow with life.

A strong solar plexus allows you to embody your purpose with ease and joy and embrace your life experiences.

When your solar plexus chakra is opening and rebalancing it is truly an exciting time.

This is a powerful energy center and the symptoms and signs of an opening solar plexus chakra can be intense at first but this journey of alignment and experiencing your true power can be a most rewarding one!

In this article, we shall outline and discuss 11 signs and symptoms that you may experience during your solar plexus chakra opening as well as some powerful tips for opening your solar plexus chakra.

These symptoms can help you to gain clarity, and if you are experiencing any of these symptoms you can take this article as encouragement and congratulations as you step up as a more consciously aligned version of yourself.

Table of Contents

11 Signs Your Solar Plexus Chakra Opening

woman opening her solar plexus chakra

1. Feeling energized and powerful

The solar plexus chakra is often regarded as our personal power center.

When this chakra is aligned and open you will feel connected to your personal power and have as much energy as you require to live your best life.

This tapped-in power is a symptom that your solar plexus chakra is opening. You will feel powerful and energized on all levels ( physical, mental, and spiritual ).

2. Increase in self-confidence 

The solar plexus chakra can have a huge influence over your experience of self, your perception of self, and your self-confidence.

A symptom that you can experience when your solar plexus chakra is opening is that you will naturally and easily become a more confident person.

As your solar plexus chakra opens you will effortlessly radiate self-confidence.

3. Deeper and truer self-love and acceptance

Another symptom that your solar plexus is opening is that you have begun to properly prioritize your needs and wants.

You will find that your relationship with yourself improves and you may experience deeper and deeper levels of self-love as well as self-acceptance 

4. Subconscious beliefs release and repatterning

a symptom of a opening solar plexus chakra opening

One of the symptoms that you may experience as your solar plexus chakra is opening is more clarity and focus on your subconscious beliefs.

Your subconscious beliefs are the deeply patterned beliefs that shape how you perceive life.

You will become more aware of what beliefs you hold within your mind and probably feel the urge to sort through these beliefs.

Learning to discern which of these beliefs is truly necessary and beneficial.

When your solar plexus is opening you may undergo the healing process of releasing any subconscious beliefs that no longer serve you as well as repatterning and feeding your mind new beliefs that upgrade your life.

Because the focus is within your solar plexus chakra these beliefs will likely include those that surround how you view yourself, your self-worth, and your relationship with and perception of yourself. 

5. Changes in your appetite and digestion 

The solar plexus chakra corresponds with the physical organs of the human digestive system as well as the etheric concept of digestion (taking in a substance and absorbing nutrients, producing energy, and eliminating waste).

Another symptom of your solar plexus chakra opening is a change in your appetite, you will likely crave nutrient-dense vibrant foods that are the best for your body and spirit.

6. More in tune with your emotions

The solar plexus chakra is said to be the energy center that we use to process our emotions and experiences and filter them through our unique personal perspective.

The solar plexus chakra is the center from which we make sense of our emotions and gain insight and growth from our life experiences.

A symptom of an opening solar plexus chakra can include a better understanding of the value of emotion as well as being more in tune with your emotions.

You will not be thrown out of alignment by unwanted emotions but rather use these emotions as messages or opportunities for growth.

7. Gaining clarity and motivation surrounding your life purpose

Another symptom of your solar plexus chakra opening is that you will gain clarity about your life purpose and feel aligned to this purpose.

You may be able to see your life from a perspective where everything makes more sense.

You will be able to easier see how your life path has led you to this present moment and the elements of your life purpose.

The solar plexus chakra is the chakra of willpower and the ability to take inspired and aligned action.

When you are motivated to continually focus and enjoy the actions that are in alignment with your life purpose and dreams this can also be a sign of your solar plexus chakra opening.

8. You live more in the presence

woman living free when her solar plexus chakra is opening

When your solar plexus is open and active you will be comfortable with who you are and more at ease with the flow of life.

When you are in this state of empowered ease it is a lot easier and comes more naturally to live with your attention in the present moment.

You can let go of the regrets of the past and the anxieties of the future and fully enjoy the magic of the present moment being you.

When you find that your life is more embodied in the present and flowing with life this can be a sign that your solar plexus chakra is opening.

9. You start receiving your desires

A symptom of your solar plexus activation or opening is that you will start to receive your desires.

You will experience what you have been manifesting in tangible form.

Because the open solar plexus chakra has a strong positive influence on your emotions and the mastery of your emotional power your innate manifestation abilities will be accelerated.

The solar plexus chakra is also linked to your experience of self-worth.

When you have high self-worth and fully honor yourself and your desires you will be open to fully receive and experience your desires.

10. Your relationships will improve

When your solar plexus chakra is activated and aligned you become fully in touch with who you are; your true power, self-confidence, self-worth, motivation, and your physical and energetic health.

These upgrades and alignments within your relationship with yourself will mirror into all your relationships. Your relationships with your partner, family, friends, and the living world that surrounds you.

Experiencing comfort within, inner joy, true connection, and happiness within your relationships can be a sign of your solar plexus chakra opening.

11. Feeling more aligned and powerful

A clear symptom that your solar plexus chakra is opening is that you will genuinely feel more and more aligned and powerful.

You will enjoy being you and learn to appreciate your unique life experience.

You will more often begin to experience miracles as well as see your inspired action blooming into wonderful life experiences and creations.

Your alignment and power will benefit you and all those that come into contact with you.

Tips For Opening Your Solar Plexus Chakra

meditating on opening the solar plexus chakra

The opening of your solar plexus chakra can be a layered journey that takes some dedication to nurturing and aligning practices for yourself.

Now that you have learned more about the symptoms of an opening solar plexus you may have realized that some of your experiences are due to your solar plexus chakra opening.

It’s likely that you want to continue fully opening and aligning this energy center.

It is possible that after reading the signs you realized that you still have work to do to open your solar plexus and hopefully you feel inspired to work on this energy center.

In this section of the article, we shall suggest a few powerful techniques that you can put into practice to open and align your solar plexus chakra.

Meditation to open your solar plexus chakra

You can regularly practice guided meditations specifically created for solar plexus chakra activation.

You can include solar plexus activating visualizations, elements, crystals, and mudras within your intuitive meditation practice.

Breathwork and breath of fire to open your solar plexus chakra

Intentional breathing is a great way to activate your energy body.

A most powerful breath for opening your solar plexus chakra is the yogic breath of fire known as kapalabhati.

You can learn how to practice this breath with the intention of solar plexus opening.

Visualization to open your solar plexus chakra

You can engage your inner eye and visualize during meditation or visualize through creating art.

The solar plexus chakra resonates with the color yellow this can be included during solar plexus visualization.

You can imagine your chakra as a disk of light, a ball of light, a portal, or even a blooming lotus.

Using imagery that energetically opens the solar plexus chakra is a subtle yet powerful way to open this chakra.

Affirmations to open your solar plexus chakra 

Using positive intentional affirmations is another technique that you can include within your practices to open your solar plexus chakra.

You will find that our 85 Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations article goes into great detail on how to use affirmations specifically for solar plexus chakra healing and activation.

Self-love to open your solar plexus chakra

woman with the solar plexus chakra symbol next to her

Intentionally cultivating self-love can assist you with opening your solar plexus chakra.

Choosing to appreciate and care for yourself in your favorite ways will help to anchor in the vibration of aligned solar plexus energy.

Working with the natural elements to open your solar plexus chakra

The solar plexus chakra is associated with the natural element of fire.

You can utilize the element of fire through meditating, visualization, or somatic experience.

You can include firelight, candlelight, or sunlight within your solar plexus chakra opening practices.

Mudras to open your solar plexus chakra

Mudras are energetically activating yogic hand postures.

Specific mudras activate specific elements and chakras.

The mudra for the solar plexus chakra is known as hakini mudra. This mudra is formed by holding both hands at the height of the solar plexus chakra area and joining all the fingertips while spreading the palms apart.

Hakini mudra channels your energy to open and activate the solar plexus chakra.

These are just some of the practices that you can use to open your solar plexus chakra.

You could also consider other solar plexus activating yoga asanas, mantras, sound healing, color therapy, crystal healing, and reiki

The embodiment of an open solar plexus chakra is an amazing upgrade to your life experience.

It can be a process that requires a little patience but the improved quality of experience is worth any dedicated practice that you choose.

Enjoy the journey of your solar plexus opening as you reap the rewards of being yourself!

11 Signs Your Solar Plexus Chakra Opening11 Signs Your Solar Plexus Chakra Opening