Imagine a place where everything just is. There are no people, no things, no duality and no judgement. In this place there is only light and the only feeling that exists is peace. Nothing you can do or say, absolutely nothing at all, is wrong and there is never any judgement. In this place you can just be, your body is perfect and healing is instant. Where is this place?

Some people call it the Seventh Plane of Existence, others call it the Creator of All That Is, the Fifth Dimension or even God, but really it is your highest consciousness and it is within you all. When you reach this consciousness, you will know what it is to love yourself and others without condition, without listening to the judgement and condemnation of others and without fear. You will have achieved the consciousness of Oneness.

The energy of All That Is requires nothing – no religion, no forgiveness, no retribution for sins and no payback because it is unconditional and therefore non-discriminatory. It is everywhere but nowhere, as it cannot be seen or heard unless one knows where to look. It is not heaven, but it feels like it. This is the place where thoughts become form and destinies are realised, where healing is instant and questions are answered with truth and honesty.

I am God – where will you find me? Look no further than within your heart, for I am the very essence of you. You and I are intrinsically a part of each other because, in the energy of All That Is there is no separation. Everything that has ever come into existence in the Universe forms a part of the All and is therefore connected as one. I am within you, around you and one with you.

How do you talk to me? In your mind and your thoughts, specifically and with intention. How do you hear me? Empty your mind and trust what comes. How do you feel me? In the stillness of your being. How do you know me? By knowing yourself and by striving to be the best you can be in every aspect of your life. How can you trust what I say is true? When you trust, you will see, hear, feel and know me through your thoughts, words and actions which will begin to vibrate with a love you have thought beyond your reach.

Connect with me as light or as love. Feel me as your heartbeat, breathe me in and out, shine me as your light from within. All you need to do is believe – in faith rather than religion; that anything is possible and that you are worthy; that your life has meaning and you came into being with love and purpose. My knowledge is your knowledge and my love is your love. We are one and that is All.

I AM The Creator of All That Is and I love you with every breath you take.

**Channel: Victoria Cochrane
