Your aura isn’t separate from you. It is you. Many people want to know the colour of their aura, but more importantly, what it means. You can seek out this information purely for recreation or if you’re on a more serious spiritual path.

Everything in existence has an aura. No exceptions. Every plant, mineral, animal and human and beyond has an energy field that surrounds them. But they’re not all alike.

We each give off different vibratory frequencies, and not because we differ as a species, but because we each exhibit our own individual qualities.

Your aura is like a scale that defines your personality and abilities.

Along with your DNA, it forms part of the blueprint of your consciousness.

The following guide will give you a full list of all the possible auras and their significance.

Where Does Your Aura Originate From?

Your aura isn’t just an individuated part of your body like your physical limbs. It’s a multi-layered aspect of your consciousness that is made up of several different energy bodies. These are known as your subtle energy bodies, and each one contributes to the overall colour of your aura. They go by the following names:

Physical Body: This one is obvious. It’s the part of ourselves we’re most familiar with. Although it’s the most temporary body, it’s the most important for us as incarnate beings on Earth. It’s responsible for our health and ability able to live on the physical plane of existence.

Mental Body: Your mental body is responsible for your day-to-day thinking. It is the active part of your cognitive process and is where a large part of your character lies. This is also where the formation of all your thoughts originates. It’s the rational part of your being.

Emotional Body: This layer is related to your emotional responses and reactions. You could also think of it as your emotional intelligence. Each emotion has its own vibratory frequency, and it’s here where it begins. It’s the part of your aura that will see the most change throughout the day.

Spiritual Body: Your spiritual body is responsible for all of your memories, traumas, past lives, soul codes and soul family connections. It’s a complex part of your being. It also relates to your purpose. But it’s not the same as your Higher Self. They’re similar, but separate parts of yourself.

Astral Body: This is your link from the physical to the spiritual world. It’s also known as your dreaming body. Your astral self is the part of you that separates at night to experience Dreamtime. It serves as your vessel of consciousness.

What Do Aura Colours Mean? 

Your aura reflects who you are on the deepest level. It is the unseen blueprint of your soul. Each colour has a specific meaning attached to it, which relates to your thoughts, emotions, talents, physical health and dreams. It’s the blueprint of you.

Your auric field isn’t static. You typically have one colour that you’ll present more than another, but it can fluctuate at times of indecision or stress or indecision. And it will change and grow with you as you mature and take on new qualities.

If you see a professional aura specialist, they’ll be able to give a comprehensive reading of your present circumstances and future potential. An aura reader can identify cracks in your aura, which may indicate underlying health issues. They can also offer your guidance on career choices and life path, as each aura colour is closely associated with a different set of qualities. Each colour loosely relates to an archetype.

Understanding the Auras and Their Unique Meanings

Auras can be extremely subjective. They aren’t as clear cut as your physical senses, although they can provide some very accurate meaning when interpreted correctly. The modern study of auras may still be relatively young, but there is still a lot that can be agreed upon.

Your aura is strongly connected with the colours that make up the chakra system. And just like the chakras, each colour represents a predominant set of traits, strengths and weaknesses. But taking such a broad approach isn’t quite enough. Two people may share a similar coloured aura but have completely different life paths.

You should also know that there are different subtypes of aura. Many people speak of blue and red auras etc. But this doesn’t tell the whole picture. Within those primary colours are various different shades, which each have their own meaning.

Here’s a rundown of the primary aura colours and their subtypes:

The Red Auras 

This variety of aura is the lowest on the spectrum of light. It has the densest vibration. If you have this type of aura, it typically indicates a groundedness. You’re likely a very practical person, direct and to the point. It’s the aura that is most related to the physical body with traits include an attachment to the material world and money. On the more negative side, it can be an unstable colour and indicate that you may have unresolved issues. Red auras also relate to vengefulness, repressed and anger and are associated with anxiety and nervousness.

Dark Red Aura: Is a strong sign of anger and aggression.
Light Red Aura: Indicates someone who might be nervous or impulsive.
Bright Red Aura: That person could be acting from their ego.
Pink Aura: Could be a sign of showing love or affection, but might also indicate immaturity.

Emotions: Anger, Fear, Anxiety
Traits: Passionate, Direct, Adventurous, Intense
Crystals: Red Coral, Ruby, Red Jasper
Organs: Heart and Circulation
Careers: Businessman, Entrepreneur, Athlete, Marketer, Manager

The Orange Auras 

An orange aura could indicate that you’re a sensitive or even hypersensitive soul. Many empaths are known to exhibit these traits. But this type of aura is most commonly linked with personal expression, creativity and sexuality. You may be a natural extrovert. And you may also like to be seen as being original. You want to do things differently and veer off the beaten track. Adventure and risk-taking are a natural part of your personality. But your outgoing nature comes off as an effortless charm, which inspires those around you.

Orange-Red Aura: This indicates you have a lot of confidence and creative power.
Orange -Yellow Aura: You’re creative, intelligence and an intense perfectionist.

Emotions: Creative, Sensual, Dramatic
Traits: Vital, Charming, Energetic, Motivational
Crystals: Tangerine Aura Quartz, Carnelian, Orange Calcite
Organs: Reproductive Organs
Career: Designers, Sales, Analysts, Researchers,

The Yellow Auras

A yellow aura is a sign of intellect and concentration, and can also indicate an abundance of energy, personal power and self-esteem. If you have this type of aura, you’ll most likely be a happy, well-adjusted soul. You value freedom above all else and want a life free from attachment. You refuse to be weighed down by the feelings of shame and guilt that others attempt to project towards you. On the negative side, you may find it difficult forgiving others and may shun your friends in favour of those who’re at the same level as your, intellectually.

Light/Pale Yellow Aura: You’re developing your spiritual awareness and psychic abilities.
Bright Lemon-Yellow Aura: You’re struggling to control and power in your relationships.
Bright Metallic Gold: You embody a lot of spiritual power.
Dark Brown/Golden Aura: This indicates you’re a student of some description.

Emotions: Calmness, Blame, Control
Traits: Intelligence, Concentration, Optimism, Analytical
Crystals: Citrine, Peridot, Tiger’s Eye
Organs: Spleen
Career: MusicianTeacher, Doctor, Psychologist, Actor, Therapist

The Green Auras 

The green aura types are most commonly associated with the healing arts and caregiving. If you have this aura, you’ll be drawn to helping others and being of service in whatever way you can. Nature and being outdoors may also be important to you. But you’ll most be concerned with your capacity for growth and personal development. You may not be overtly spiritual, – although you could be – you’ll likely be someone who’s goal-orientated and maintains a healthy balance through all most areas of their life

Bright Emerald Green Aura: You’re a natural healer and heart-centred being.
Lemony-Green Aura:  This is a sign you may be deceitful and untrustworthy.
Dark Emerald Aura: You might have a victimised complex and feel the world is against you.
Blue-Green Aura: This can relate to having seeking mind and a desire to help mankind.

Emotions: Joy, Love, Innocence
Traits: Creative, Compassionate, Thoughtful, Helpful
Crystals: Green Jade, Rose Quartz, Emerald,
Organs: Heart and Lungs
Career: Environmentalist, Social Worker, Vet, Counsellor,

The Blue Aura

A blue aura is the first of those associated with a deep sense of spirituality. You may be calm and collected when everyone else is losing their heads. You’re also known as someone who’s caring, sensitive and intuitive. However, your spirituality can also be your weakness. Those with a blue aura can fall into a spiritual ego trap and judge others for not being advanced at them. If they have a narcissist streak, they can also use their psychic gifts to impress those around them.

Turquoise: This always relates to the immune system.
Soft Blue Aura: You’re peace, honest and intuitive and also at the start of your spiritual journey.
Bright Royal Blue Aura: You may be a clairvoyant, generous and highly spiritual
Dark/Muddy Blue Aura: You may have a fear of speaking out and facing the truth of your future.

Emotions: Honest, Sincere, Confident
Traits: Considered, Social, Loyal, Family-Orientated
Crystals: Aquamarine, Lapis Lazuli, Blue Kyanite
Organs: Thyroid
Career: Healer, Advisor, Speaker, Carer, Therapist

The Indigo Aura 

Indigo is one of the highest vibratory auras on the colour spectrum. It’s associated with being highly spiritual and idealistic. This aura indicates that you have the ability of far-sightedness and intuition. If you have this aura, you may also be introverted sort. Being an indigo usually marks you out as a seeker of truth. You have an intense quest for spiritual knowledge and are always planning several moves ahead in your soul’s journey. You want to unravel the mysteries behind all your experiences so you can integrate the lessons more fully in your being.

Emotions: Attentive, Empathetic, Collected
Traits: Deep, Authentic, Visionary, Creative, Independent
Crystals: Amethyst, Labradorite, Sodalite
Organs/Glands: Pineal Gland
Career: Actor, Musician, Teacher, Designer, Spiritual Teacher,

The Violet Aura

The violet aura exists on the shortest wavelength of visible light. It is extremely high vibrational. If you have this kind of aura, it usually indicates that you’re a highly advanced soul. Like the Indigo aura, you’re a true seeker. Violet symbolises that you live according to the highest virtues. It’s the colour of awareness and enlightenment. To have this aura, you’ve achieved complete harmony between your heart and mind. You’re not quite at the level of an ascended master. But you’re very close. It not uncommon for people with purple auras to drop back down to a dark blue once they’ve found their calling in life.

Emotions: Passionate, Positive, Protective
Traits: Humanitarian, Charismatic Leaders, Altruistic
Crystals: Selenite, Clear Quartz, Moonstone
Organs: Pituitary Gland
Career: Politician, Advocate, Philanthropist, Conservationist, Leader

The Silver Aura

You might have a silver aura if you’re in the process of manifesting a huge amount of abundance into your life. And it can relate to material as well as spiritual wealth. It might also indicate that you’re exceptionally talented in your chosen passion. You might also be a great talker, a jack of all trades or have high levels of energy. But on the flip side, it could also indicate someone who’s a loner, going through a depression or have poor health.

The Gold Aura

A golden aura is linked with a connection to the divine or source consciousness. It represents a level even above the purple-hued auras and is a sign of attainment. To have this aura, you have achieved a high level of mastery on your soul’s journey in this lifetime and beyond. It’s rare for someone to have this colour aura. And it signifies that you’re blessed with divine guidance and protection.

The Grey Aura

The most common interpretation of the grey aura is moodiness. It’s a sign of imbalance in your thinking and may even indicate depression. Although it may not be seen throughout your entire auric field, in some cases, it can appear in certain areas of the body, which may indicate physical problems that need to be addressed. It can also relate to repressed fears and a lack of action.

The Black Aura

The black aura is the most negative of all auras, even more so than the red aura. There is no positive connotation, and it has a strong association with death – not necessarily of the body, but certain aspects of your beingness. It represents everything you’re too afraid to show others and could be thought of as a manifestation of your shadow self.

The White Aura

White is the sum total of all seven primary colours. It signifies absolute purity and is an exceedingly rare aura. You would only find this in someone who’s an ascended master, that might come to Earth once every several generations. The purity of the white light shows that you’ve transcended all of the physical attachments and are a fully enlightened being. Jesus was one of those enlightened souls. His aura was shown in many of the paintings of him. It wasn’t an embellishment of his character. It was a literal portrayal. This is the colour we’re all striving to attain. It is the colour of balance.

Why Does the Colour Your Aura Matter?

To be clear, there are two thoughts that stem from this question.

The first is that the colour of your aura does matter. The second is that it doesn’t matter whether you know it or not. You can lead a perfectly happy life without being any of the wiser.

In the recreational sense, your aura demonstrates your personality. It can be a fun thing to know. But your aura isn’t static. It’s changing on a moment to moment, day-to-day.

Any reading or photograph of it is just a snapshot of your aura in that particular moment.

It’s just a guide. If you have a red aura, for example, it doesn’t make you a bad person. You could simply be having a bad day. There are positive and negative connotations for each colour. You shouldn’t read too much into them.

Where you might feel the need to learn about your aura in greater detail is if you’re fighting any kind of chronic health issue. Having your auric field either photographed or examined by a specialist psychic can reveal things that conventional medicine can’t pick up.

It’s an incredibly useful diagnostic tool when all else has failed.

It could even be your first port of call.

The point I’m making is don’t get too hung up about your aura.

If you want to have a reading to scratch an itch, go for it.

Just don’t become too attached to the outcome.

It’s not your aura that defines your actions.

It’s your actions that define your aura.

Be the change.

And be well…

**By Sam
